Chapter 2

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2038 had a smile. That means she is happy.

"Okay so I was walking down the learning hall and subjects were crowded in this one place. I went to check out what was going on and they were looking at the wall. I looked too and these subjects were writing on the walls that read. Set us free, I didn't understand what it was talking about but the Soldiers ran in and took the subjects away and they were fighting back. I don't know what happened to them after that."

Free, I feel like I read that some where.
"Interesting. Did the subjects say anything?" I asked
"No not really they just screamed what was on the wall, and the soldiers covered their mouths. started to speak and said, don't worry we are going to take care of the problem. Please move along and go back to your normal schedule, so I did."

"Weird." I raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah I know but they said not to worry."
"I suppose." I looked at my bracelet. And it was almost lunch time. "I have to go and eat lunch." She look at hers.
"Me too. We can talk some other time."
"Yes I would like that." We parted ways and I was on my way to my room.

Walking down the halls I see the middles washing the walls. Middles are when you get older. When you turn year 30 then you are considered a middle. I'm a subject. When you become year 20 you earn a name. You can get your name early by your learning level. I would get mine early because my learning level is normal for year 20's. I can get my name at year 15.

When I saw the wall. It was written on. Half of it was gone. But at the bottom it read, free, this must have been the wall subject 2038 was talking about. I look at it and a middle looks at me. When we made eye contact. They had ice cold eyes that just dug through my soul. I quickly looked away and walked faster to my room.

I placed my hand on the scanner and my door opened. I walked in and the door closed behind me.

"Hello subject 2036."
"Hello room. What is for lunch." And table and chair was out for me. I walk over and sit down in it. I placed my tablet on the table and room started to speak.
"Chicken and rice." A plate of chicken and rice came out from the wall and onto the table. I started to eat. And opened up my tablet. I re looked at my notes.

-happy birthday?

Mr. Welpling told us that on the video was a family. The girl had a name too, Surprisingly how young she was. I wanted to know more.

"Room, can you put something about birthdays on my tablet for me to read."
"Yes, I found the best information, data is going into tablet."
"Thank you room." In a few seconds the data came up.

the anniversary of the day on which a person was born, typically treated as an occasion for celebration and the giving of gifts.

I was born but we don't do this. The person also gets gifts. What kind of gifts. I mean what is there to give when you have everything you need. I looked back at my tablet. Cake it read.

"Room can you get me a cake?" I was unsure if room could do it but I tried.
"Yes." Then a cake came out of the wall. It was similar to the one in the video. It was a cylinder shape but not tall. It was white. With this small tuffs coming up around the top of the cake. At the top it was blank. In the video it had something written on it. I touched it and licked my finger. It was sweet and yummy.

Cakes should come in a pastel color. In the video it was a pink pastel color.
"Room can you get me a different cake. Can you make it have a color."
"Yes." The cake on the table goes away and then a new one appeared. This time it was a yellow color. Like a lemon but lighter. It had purple tuffs around the top of the cake this time. It's says you can eat a cake.

In the video the woman says. 'Does it look yummy.' Meaning you can eat it.
"Room a need a knife." The table gave me a butter knife. I cut the cake and take a small square piece. I take the piece with my hands and felt the colored pastels on my fingers. It had a buttery feeling but slightly hard.

"Room, what is this stuff on the cake?"
"Icing." Icing? I place the piece in my mouth and took it back out. The taste was horrible.
"Room what is in the cake?"
"I'm afraid I can't tell you that." Room has never refused to tell me something.
"Why is that?"
"My data base is not aloud to."
"You should be able to answer everything."
"I do."
"But you didn't."
"Time for literature." The cake disappeared and the table did too along with the chair. I ran for my tablet and caught it before it hit the floor.

"Room?" Room didn't answer. So I called out again. "Room?" Nothing, I decided to walk out to my next class. I was concerned about room. Was it something I said.

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