The Changing Act

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All Elizabeth could taste was blood.She could feel her wounds being hit with the cold air.She didn't know what happened,or where she was.

All she knew was that the war had begun.She didn't know if it had just begun or it was in the middle or the end.

She tried to open her eyes but they refused.As if trying to hide her from seeing the world she was now in.She felt tears streaming down her face as the ice cold wind hit them.She could tell she was lying down.As if she was blown away by a great force.While her whole body felt cold,she felt just a little bit of warmth.She managed to move her fingers enough to tell some one was holding her hand.This made more tears come.

What happened?

Elizabeth opened her eyes,the now blue and purple sky looking back at her.The sun slowly diapering behind the horizon.She could still feel the ice cold chills running down her back but they slowly faded and all she felt was warmth.

That's right.I was spending time with Meliodas and I fell asleep.


That word sent butterflies into Elizabeth's stomach.The demon and goddess had spent a lot of time with each other and a new seed of love had begun to grow within the two.Wherever Elizabeth looked she saw Meliodas and wherever Meliodas looked he saw Elizabeth.They two decided to spend as much time with each other as possible.And a dark idea had begun to spread in one of their heads.

Elizabeth looked up to see Meliodas,also looking at the sunset.She didn't say anything but he knew she was looking at him.He could feel her sweet smile and her soft gaze.As to let her know that he knew she was up be began to brush her hair.Elizabeth's head  was lying down on Meliodas's lap and she fell asleep for a bit.Of course he didn't mind this.He only wished that the war didn't effect her so much as to making her stay up all night worrying about what will happen.And on the rare occasion Elizabeth could get some sleep,she would have the same nightmare.That nightmare.

For months Elizabeth had been getting the same nightmare over and over again.She could never make out what it meant or what it was.Of course she never told Meliodas because she knew that would only make him worry.He had enough problems as it is,Elizabeth would tell herself.Just thinking of that nightmare sent a chill up her spine.

"Hey Meliodas.What's your favorite realm?"

"My favorite realm?"Meliodas put his hand under his chin as if he was thinking very hard"Well I don't really think I have a favorite.Aren't they all the same?"

"Of course they aren't all the same.If they were they would all be called the same thing."Elizabeth shifted her body so her face was right below his."What's the sudden question for?"Of course he already knew the answer but was interested of what she had to say.

"Well,each realm is really known for something.The demon realm is known as the home of the demons and the demon king.The goddess realm of the goddess clan.The fairy of the fairies and the fairy king forest."She explained.

"What about the human realm?"

Elizabeth had a soft smile on her face."Well that's easy.It's known for the home of the humans and....""And what?"Meliodas asked.Now very intrigued in the topic."And for the place where we met."Elizabeth could feel herself blushing from what she said.Meliodas couldn't help but laugh at this."What's so funny?"She asked, trying to hide her blush."No one knows that we met here.Hell they might not even know that we are together."He couldn't help but laughing.

"Well we do.That's why this realm is my favorite.It's where I met you."Elizabeth put her palm to Meliodas's face.He held her hand up to his face."Well look at you Elizabeth.Could you possible be flirting?"He teased her.This made her face turn crimson.

"What?!No I didn't mean it like that!What I meant was that uh.What I meant was-"Elizabeth tried to find the right words to finish her sentence but all she did was stumble over her words.Meliodas couldn't help but laugh.Teasing this girl would always brighten him up.He enjoyed seeing her face burn up and her trying to explain.But he really did know what Elizabeth meant.He felt the same way.That's why now he was gonna tell her his idea.

"Hey Elizabeth?"He looked at her with serious eyes.This made her face go back to normal and she looked but only with a concerned expression and all she could do was reply with a yes."If I told you that I was about to do something.Something that's so stupid that it might change my life forever.Would you let me do it?"

Elizabeth now sat up,but now sitting on Meliodas's lap.She was afraid to hear what this idea was."First tell me the idea.Then I'll tell you."She could seen pain in his eyes and she could feel her heart begin to hurt a bit."

"I'm gonna leave The 10 Commandments and fight with you in the war."

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