Innocent People Lives

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                                             See you later Auntie. However, this is not good-bye.

                                                      I'll see you in my dreams. Meanwhile..

                                                      There's a heart that must be free to fly.

I don't know what they call you.


..I'll call you a murder.

You go into people bodies.

..and find you'r way.

..To thier voice.



..Even thier brain.

Now that you've found you'r way in.

..You want to take over controll.

Why commit such a sin?

You take away innocent people lives.

You took away my Auntie's..why?

..What has she done to you?

If you've meet her.

You would've loved her.

She was the epitome of.

..Outgoing, happy, caring.

Never afriad to speak her mind.

She was many peoples' hero.

..Especially mine.

You can say or do anything.

..Just know it's never right.

..But, ALWAYS remember.

..A hero not afriad to give it's life.

R.I.P. Auntie and people loved ones who died from cancer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2012 ⏰

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