Chapter 1: New Employee

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   (Interviews will be in bold. Voiceovers are in italics)

  "It has been a year since I've come back to Scranton," Jim said and scoffed. "It has had its ups and downs though."

   "What kind of ups and downs? he was asked by the person behind the camera.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, " I had two serious relationships that ended. Karen which happened in New York. I thought Pam and I could make it, but it was like dating my sister...But not my sister. I guess those are a combination of pros and cons of coming back."

   "How does it feel to be back at Scranton?"

"It's not terrible as I thought it would be," Jim replied.

    "Are you dating anyone currently?"

"No," he said and looked to his knees. "I'm looking for a girlfriend. I've decided to not date anyone at work because of how my previous relationships failed. I don't need more of the drama and awkwardness...More with Karen than Pam...."

   "If you don't find anyone then would you date someone at the office?"

"No. Every girl's taken. Phyllis married Bob Vance and is on her honeymoon. Angela is with Dwight ..wait she's actually with Andy...and either way I'm not getting into that. Kelly was with Ryan, now Darryl, and she's not my type. Karen...Moving on. Pam and I are friends now. Meredith is an alcoholic and that is never happening. I've had nightmares about what that's like. Umm...It's for the best that I'm broadening my horizons. If someone comes today then my answer might change."


     It was quiet for a typical day in the office--hardly any whispering or conversation amongst co-workers. There weren't any pranks being pulled by Jim on Dwight for enjoyment. Pam didn't have to answer any phones this morning. The only sound that lingered in the office was  tat-tat from keys being typed on the computer or numbers being punched into a calculator.

    Of course, Michael was the one to break such  serene silence.

The door to his office opened loudly and his enthusiasm was evident in his voice, "Everyone! There will be an impromptu meeting in the conference room in five!"

      The door closed again and the office was left in confusion and annoyance--especially Stanley.

"I haven't seen Michael that excited for a meeting in awhile," Pam said.

    "Yeah," Jim agreed.

She smiled,  "I wonder if he's gotten over Jan for the second time."

    "Maybe," Jim shrugged his shoulders and stood up to go to the conference room.

A couple others followed in suit, but  they'd rather be pretending to work.

     Those who were in the room murmured amongst one another . What could this meeting be about?

Did corporate have some new regulations? Was Ryan being a tool? Were some of them getting fired? Was Pretzel Day going to happen once a month?

    Those questions drifted from person to person in the conference room. Pam was one of the last and took her seat next to Jim.

    "Did you know about this?" he asked.

She shook her head, "Michael didn't say anything about corporate or Pretzel Day. The only thing he's done is an interview a new girl for customer service. She'll be in the annex with Kelly if she gets the job."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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