"Wait...where are we going?"

"Mount Weather...all the medical supplies are there."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Come on Clarke, I know everything!"

"Why can't you just tell me the truth!"

"Fine." He signed. "Before I left they gave me a map." He said as he handed me a map. I looked at the map which showed us every single place in the world and where they were going to drop all of our supplies. I looked at Mount Weather and noticed it was going to take two hours for us to walk there.

"It's going to take us two hours to get there!"

"I know. That's why we should go now before it gets dark. There's lots of people who got injured when the dropship landed, including my sister! We need to get as much medicine as we can."

"You're right." I said as I nodded my head. "Let's go."

"I'm coming too." Octavia said as she stood up. Bellamy gently pushed her back down.

"You're not going anywhere." He said. He tried to look for someone but almost everyone was gone. They were all hunting or enjoying earth. Finally he spotted a boy that was wearing goggles sitting alone. I recognized him from the dropship. He was the one that was talking to Monty. "Hey goggle boy!" Bellamy yelled. The boy stood up and walked toward us.

"My names not goggle boy! It's Jasper." He said as he almost fell. "Sorry, I'm a little clumsy."

"I want you to watch my sister for me while I'm gone. If anything happens to her I will kill you." Bellamy said. Jasper's jaw hit the floor when he saw Octavia.

"That's you sister?" Jasper said as he pointed at Octavia. "She's hot."

Bellamy grabbed him and pushed him to the ground. While Jasper was still on the ground Bellamy punched him. Jasper's nose was covered with blood.

"Don't even think about it." Bellamy said as Jasper stood up. Jasper nodded his head and waited for us to leave. I wanted to do something about it but I was scared that I was going to be the next person with a bleeding nose.

"Let's go princess." Bellamy said with a smirk. I took the map with me and Bellamy took the berries with him even though I don't really think we need them. I followed the map and Bellamy followed me. I was ignoring him because of what he did to Jasper. Octavia was right, he is too overprotective.

"Want one?" Bellamy asked as he showed me the berries. I shook my head and continued to ignore him. There was mud everywhere and the grass was almost as tall as me. We walked for miles and I didn't even see a river or animal. What were we going to do if we never find food or water? There's a lot of people who are hunting so I hope they find something. I was starting to worry if it's possible or not for humans to survive in earth. As much as I was scared that I was in earth I was also happy that I don't have to deal with all the crap happening in the Ark. I'm the only one in earth that knows that the only reason they send us down here was because the Ark is running out of oxygen. In a few months they will all be dead unless they come down to earth.

Bellamy helped me walk over a pile of mud. There was a tree that was in our way. We tried jumping over it but it was to big. Bellamy used his strength to lift me over the tree. He grabbed my arm and pulled himself over the tree. I never knew it was going to be this hard just to walk somewhere. I kept ignoring Bellamy which I could tell really bothered him. After walking for an hour he finally decided to stop.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"No you're not!"

"Yes I am! I know what I did was wrong."

"Then why did you do it!" I yelled.

"Because I'm an idiot!" He yelled back. I looked at him for a few seconds before I looked away and continued to walk. He followed me and we walked for another hour. The whole entire trip to Mount Weather felt like a century. I looked around the place but didn't find anything. We were definitely lost because I searched everywhere for the dropship with all the medical supplies but found nothing. Then I thought that maybe I might've read the map wrong. I'm usually good at reading maps and understanding them but this one was a complicated one. Just as I was going to give up I heard Bellamy yelling my name. I ran to him and saw exactly what I was hoping to see.

He was standing next to a dropship that looked a lot smaller than the one we took to come down to earth. He slowly opened the door. Inside of the dropship we found four bags. I looked inside each of them and realized they were filled with everything I needed. I grabbed one bag and Bellamy was holding three. I was surprised that he was able to carry three bags because I was only holding one bag and I felt like it weighted a ton. As we walked back to the place where our dropship landed I decided to still ignore Bellamy. Holding the bags were slowing us down. I looked at the sky and noticed the sun was almost gone.

"I think we should take a break." Bellamy said but I continued to walk. There wasn't time to take a break. It was starting to get dark and I knew it wouldn't be safe if we stayed here in the middle of night.

"Do you still have those berries?" I asked. Even though I didn't want to talk to him I was so desperate for food that I would do anything to get it.

"Now you want to talk to me? Sorry brave princess but I ate them all." He said. For some reason him saying that only made me more mad at him. As we were walking we got attacked by a bunch of bugs. Seeing the bugs gave me hope that one of the 100 (now 97) have food because I am starving. The entire walk was awkward and silent. I couldn't wait for this day to end.

All of a sudden I heard lots of people screaming. I knew exactly where the screams were coming from. Bellamy and I started running until we finally made it to our "home". Everyone was going crazy and were all crying. I saw Wells trying to calm everyone down. I guess I missed a lot in the last four hours. I ran to Wells and immediately talked to him.

"Wells!" I yelled. "What happened?"

"There was a lot of people who attacked us." He said. I should've known. This is exactly what happens when you decide to put one hundred criminals in the same place.

"Do we know who it was?"

"No...not yet. What we do know is that they kidnapped one of us." As soon as he said that I heard Bellamy screaming. For the second time since I came to earth I left Wells to see what Bellamy was doing. I was shocked when I saw Bellamy. He was crying as Jasper was laying on the ground.

"Did you kill him!" I yelled.

"Of course not! I found him like this...he's still breathing." Bellamy said as he was still crying.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"She's gone! Octavia's gone!" He barley managed to say that. I knew that couldn't be true. She was probably hiding because she was afraid or she might be lost. Then I remembered what Wells said. "They kidnapped one of us!" Wells voice was replaying over and over again in my head. I looked at Bellamy and heard him screaming her name. Finally I looked at Jasper. He was slowly waking up. He was covered with blood and looked like he was almost dead. When he was finally back on his feet I could tell he was really confused and scared.

"Jasper!" I yelled. "What happened to Octavia?" I asked.

"They- they took her." He slowly said.


"They were wearing masks...and their whole entire outfit was black." He said as a tear came running down his cheek.

"I told you to watch her!" Bellamy said as he was holding in his anger. I could tell he wanted to punch Jasper but he didn't because he knew how mad I was going to be at him.

"I'm sorry...I was-"

"Run." Bellamy said before Jasper was able to finish his sentence.

"Why?" Jasper asked.

"Because if you don't leave now I will probably kill you and end up regretting it." Bellamy said. It only took Jasper a split second to run for his life.

The 100 {Bellarke Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें