Donghyuck watched as it was Mark that came closer towards the both of them, he noticed that he was quickly drizzled with bits of rain on his hair and neck, before joining the two under the umbrella, as he stood next to the guy, who was in the middle. The umbrella was just big enough to cover the centre of the three's heads. 

The older guy grabbed the handle of the umbrella,  "Don't worry, it's fine, I'll hold it. Besides we are borrowing your umbrella and you're helping us right?" He said as he smiled, showing a pair of his lovely dimples.

"Aha thanks" Donghyuck replied.

"Sorry I probably should've introduced myself first,  the names Jung Jaehyun," Jaehyun glanced over at Mark. "this is Mark, my childhood best friend, we've both known each other since our moms gave birth to us, as them themselves are best friends. Mark's like my other half" Donghyuck gulped, feeling a subtle emotion of jealousy, without realising.

"Although I'm sure you both already know each other right..? Considering you're both in the same class and won the trophies together beautifully right?" Jaehyun paused, and quickly smirked looking over at Mark, mockingly, and looked back at Donghyuck.

"You both looked so cute togeth-- I mean happy together earlier." He said as sweat began to form on his forehead.

"Yeah I'm sorry," Mark suddenly apologised.

"I have no idea what you're name is, I haven't heard it often.. Ugh I'm a fail of a class representative right? Anyway what's your name?" Mark asked Donghyuck.

"Aha nah it's fine" Donghyuck laughed nervously, although trying to act cool in front of certain someone.. "My names Lee Donghyuck. Hope you'll remember that."

"Ah right Donghyuck! Nevermind I do recognise it, never knew it'd be you, you seem so much more sweete-- nicer.." Mark corrected himself, "than what I've heard."

"Well... This is my way to go.." Jaehyun said, as if he accidentally interrupted their conversation, he stopped, and passed the umbrella to Donghyuck. Then Jaehyun quickly whispered something to Mark's ear, but Donghyuck couldn't hear what he had said.

"Make sure you don't forget~ see you both later and thanks" He said as he winked at Mark, and (being extra and cringey) finger gunned the pair with both his hands, as he walked the other direction.

The moment Jaehyun left, Mark's hand grasped the umbrella handle too, overlapping his fingers with Donghyuck, touching hands with him. The auburn haired boy's cheeks suddenly changed to a rosy red, almost to the same colour of his head.     {A.N: OMG THAT RHYMED WHUT}

"Your hands are.. so warm" Mark said. "I thought it'd be a better.. idea to hold the this, to make sure we don't.. drop it." He mumbled, almost unsure of what he said.

"Yeah that's a good idea I guess, but your hands are.. SO FREEZING what the hell? It was sunny like five minutes ago, how are you hands so cold?" Donghyuck said sharply, surprised at the temperature of Mark's hands.

"It'd be better if I.." Donghyuck lifted his hand and instead, covered Mark's, "Did this..." He said finishing his sentence, as he blushed even more. Donghyuck could do what he could to try and act cool, but attempting to hide what he felt without making facial expressions was impossible.

"That way your hand gets... warmer." Donghyuck gave a kind smile. "What were you doing anyway?" He continued.

"Oh just helping out our teachers, you know as class rep.. Ugh" Mark sighed. "It's so tiring, like I'm actually so exhausted right now, they decided to give me so much work for no reason." Mark said as he looked over at Donghyuck, they both exchanged glances, locking into each other eyes, just like in the morning.

Donghyuck quickly looked down at the ground, embarrassed, trying to avoid eye contact as he was still blushing

"Yeah you must be, man. Especially from the last two races from earlier, how are you coping? I mean you even helped the teachers too.."

"Ah I should survive right..?" Mark said almost like a drowsy zombie, completely weary and ready to sleep from exhaustion. "Anyway if it wasn't for you winning that race, I would probably be knocked out to be honest." Mark added, smirking up at Donghyuck.

This time Donghyuck gulped again, at the beautiful look Mark had on his face as he looked at him, and then he turned away again.

"Nah man it's okay, besides I wanted to win so bad, to be honest it's really because of you we won. I mean after seeing you try so hard at being class rep and in the races.." Donghyuck stopped, after realising what he said, he felt like he suddenly lost his composure. {A.N OMG JUST NOTICED THERE IS AN APADO GWENCHANA IN THIS WHURPS}

"Gosh, thank you so much, well I'm really not a good class rep anyway, I mean I couldn't even remember one of my classmate's name.. Ugh I'm so sorry. Well we would've lost the race, if you didn't manage to catch up, and I'm glad you managed to, otherwise we wouldn't have two wins for our class!" Mark paused for a moment to think, "Although I do feel like I recognise you somewhere, like something about you caught my eye I dunno."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Donghyuck was taken by surprise to what Mark just said.

"Hmm" Mark paused again to think. "Oh yeah! You were the Umbrella Boy!" Mark said happily, remembering what he meant.

" 'Umbrella Boy'? " Donghyuck questioned, stumped by what he said.

Wait he thought about me? Mark Lee remembered me? Donghyuck said to himself in his head, completely clueless.

"Yeah I know now! It was because you always carried an umbrella with you, which I thought was strange, since it's been sunny all the time. But hey it came in handy right?" Mark said gladfully, looking over at Donghyuck.

As both their hands were still held together, the rain poured more heavily as time went on. Donghyuck and Mark carried on their conversations, familiarly unfamiliar with each other, it only felt like destiny that the both of them walked home together. They both felt peace in each other's presence, and that they could understand each other very well, almost on a spiritual level.

Their legs brought them further and further, as they enjoyed each other's company and warmth. The rain began to stop, as the grey pencil-drawn clouds began to gently clear away, and a glinting sun started to appear out of the subtle darkness, shining upon the pair, revealing the beauty of this special day for the both of them.

This was the beginning of their 'friendship', for both Mark and Donghyuck.

Wow sorry that was really long, by accident. Lol I only have this one story but I have a really bad writers block, tbh I just procrastinate a lot, so if you really enjoyed my really crappy piece of writing please be sure to vote it or put it on your reading list~ It kinda gives me motivation to write..? Idk anyway school is crap as heck so it'd also be nice encouragement ig lol.

Thanks for reading ^w^ and the new chapter "should" be coming soon..(or maybe not ahaha~)  

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