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"hey, george. y- you alright, bro?" max asked, giving him a light pat on the back. "it's kinda rude to stare, man." his friend whispered, george gave max a subtle nod and coughed a little.

"sorry." he pursed his lips and shrugged a little. looking away from her because she– completely changed. almost as if she was a new person.

her hair wasn't black anymore, it was a dark shade of hazelnut and she was thinner now, she has longer hair and rosier cheeks but her eyes was still the same; happy. like they were stuck to being happy.

but that was only until she realized george was george.

the same george that she used to call joji back in first through second year of college. the same george she had to leave behind because she was moving to a bigger university. the same george that she didn't mean to break the heart of. the same george she spent countless of nights walking through parks with, while eating ice cream with, and talking about your future together.

the same george she couldn't say sorry and goodbye to.

she felt guilty.

she was guilty.

tossing and turning, a short au.Where stories live. Discover now