Chapter 2

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I thought it was a regular school day. I admired Aaron as he gave me a small flirty smile, and I thought for the millionth time that maybe I had a chance with him.

I passed him and went to my locker for my books. As I rounded a corner, I collided into someone. They obviously weren't watching where they were going.

"Ouch!" I said, feeling a headache starting to come on. I looked up to see who had run into me and knocked all of my books onto the floor.

My school was small so when I saw a startlingly handsome stranger, I was pleasantly surprised.

"You know, I'm starting to think I bring bad luck. You're the second person I've run into today. I'm really sorry." He said in a low, masculine tone. He looked at me and my heart stopped, but luckily he picked up my books and his gaze fell to the floor. If he kept looking at me I might have had a heart attack.

"Oh, thanks." I said gesturing to the books. I didn't know what to say at the time. I studied his features as he picked my books up. He had dark brown hair, a straight nose with freckles, and a tan, muscular build. I'd admit, freckles were my weakness. Most people couldn't understand why I found freckles attractive, but maybe they'd understand if they saw him.

He stood up with 4 school books in his hands, and our eyes met. He had light brown eyes. Wow, he was the most handsome male specimen I'd ever encountered. I wasn't overreacting.

"Are you new here?" I asked. I already knew he was, but I asked anyways.

"Yes. I'm Jax. And you are?" He smiled. Oh my. Jesus, thank you for blessing the world with that smile.


"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He winked.

So he was a flirt, huh? Man, I thought the guy had potential, but I didn't want to trade in my crush on Aaron for a crush on some other playboy. Ugh, why'd you have to go and do that, Jax?

"Uh, thanks." I said uncomfortably. He could sense it, I think, because of what he said next.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I'm not normally... like that." Now he looked uncomfortable.

Hmm, maybe there was still a chance. I mean he was super attractive and seemed nice. "It's okay. So why'd you transfer to our school in the middle of the year?"

More uncomfortableness... He hesitated. "I got in some trouble at my old school so my parents wanted me to transfer to a private school."

Dang, this boy. So he wasn't someone I wanted to like. But why was he so nice if he was a bad boy? Should I ask about what kind of trouble? Nah. I don't care. He's just some stranger. "Oh. Well this school has its drama too, but I hope you have a good first day."

"Thanks, Clara."Oh no, why did I like the way he said my name? That's weird, Clara. Stop being a creep.

"Sure." I walked away and quickly headed to class before I could think anything else weird.

I got there and sat next to my best friend, Allison.

"Girl, where have you been? The bell's about to ring and you're always early to class. Is this the Twilight Zone or something?"

Jax walked into the classroom right before the bell rang.

"Yeah, I think it is."

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