"So did you like the card?" Hermione asked as Ginny frown grew longer

"Yeah, Harry next time you should get sauce and dump it onto Hermione's head!" Ron said as Harry chuckled

"Yeah maybe, get a whole bucket full and mix it with mud?" Harry snorted

"Harry James Potter!" Hermione said playfully pushing him, Ron looked at the two of his closest friends they were obviously growing closer to each other.

"Harry you'd watch out, it's good she doesn't know my full name!" Ron said

"Ronald Billus Weasley," Hermione said as Ron went bright red

"How did you-" Ron began as Fred and George smiles widened Ron folded his hands and slumped down and looked like Ginny. Dinner went on for another hour where everyone caught up with each other, and after all the Weasley's had gone to bed Hermione and Harry sat under the small green outside. Hermione eventually fell asleep, and Harry wasn't willing to wake her up so he eventually fell asleep as well, the two so comfortable, and for once Harry had very peaceful dreams.

"Morning!" Harry shot up and almost did a kung-fu stance and Hermione did the same, they both saw a laughing Ron next to them.

"Oh, good morning," Harry said suddenly growing very red "I need to go and-" he didn't find the words and sprinted upstairs followed by Hermione. He slumped onto his bed and pulled out some clothes and washed and went back downstairs to have breakfast, Ron was there chuckling and Harry went red Ginny looked the same as she had for the whole time. After breakfast, Harry packed his trunk and avoided Ginny carefully when he was Hermione for the whole morning and was relieved when on the Hogwarts express. It was all fine until Pavarti, Padma, Ginny, and Lavender came in and Harry secretly laughed when Ron went bright red when Lavender sat down next to him. Harry breathed a sigh of relief when Neville came and sat next to him, he also went quite red when seeing the Patil sisters.

"Hello," Harry said breaking the silence turning to Neville, "how was your Christmas?"

"Good," Neville said

"Yeah," Ron said the room mood fell quickly

"Sweets anyone?" Harry said opening a bag and as Ron stuffed his face with sweets and Pavarti giggled when Harry pulled a love heart shaped sweet as the pair rolled their eyes Ginny was still a little moody and whispered something to Padma looking at Harry. Harry rolled his eyes and walked out the compartment and went along looking for Dean or Seamus when he saw a whole load of Ravenclaw girls looking at him and giggling. Harry walked on and found Dean and Seamus in a compartment eating chocolate frogs he saw Hermione slump down next to him as Harry told Dean and Seamus Ron was looking for them. The pair left leaving just Harry and Hermione who began to read about summoning charms when those Ravenclaw girls came in.

"Hello I'm-" a raven-haired girl began

"Cho," Hermione sneered

Cho pulled a face "Granger," she said as if it was the funniest thing in the world

"What do you want?" Harry said looking up from the book quite annoyed "if you don't mind I'm busy," he held up his book

"Well, you don't have to sit here I mean- with her," Cho said expecting Harry just to jump up and run out.

Harry rolled his eyes and put his book aside "No thank you, I'm perfectly fine here if you don't mind, but if you want me to introduce you to my friend Ron, I'm good," Hermione roared with laughter as Cho went very red and stormed off. After a long train ride, he was relieved to be back in the Gryffindor common room again he ran up to his dorm to find a broomstick shaped parcel on his bed. He brought it down to the common room and when he opened it he heard several gasps when he saw what model it was- a Firebolt! 

"But-" Harry began

"Is that-" Dean said

"A Firebolt!" Ron said gaping 

"Wow, Harry!" Seamus said

"We'll surely win now," Fred said smiling. After about ten minutes of admiring it was only Ron, Hermione and Harry were left but Hermione had gone and when she returned it was with Professor McGonagall. Professor McGonagall took the broom before Harry could react and walked off leaving a gaped Harry and Ron and a guilty faced Hermione.

"What just happened?" Harry said

"Dunno mate, but I think Hermione knows," Ron said turning to Hermione who was now slightly teary

"Well, I knew that- um Harry couldn't have- well bought it- and it's very expensive- and well- I thought no teacher brought it- so I told McGonagall- that it could have been sent by- S-Sirus Black," Hermione said as Ron faced grew angrier and Harry's wasn't far off to. Ron shook his head and Harry was trying to process it in his head, he knew Hermione meant well but he couldn't help being a bit mad. He looked at Hermione who's eyes were now leaking and he tried to re-think it but he couldn't, he didn't want to explode on Hermione because he did really care for her so instead he just nodded his head and went up to his dorm followed by Ron.

"Where's your broom?" Dean asked Ron quickly explained what had just happened

"That was out of order mate," Seamus said

"Yeah it was," Harry said climbing inside his bed "she didn't even ask me or anything,"Harry went sleep very confused at how he felt.

Harmione and the Prisoner of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now