Shitty-Ass Teachers

Start from the beginning

     But just like a lazy high school dropout thinking he can be the next President of the United States, someone who wants to be an English professor when their English is worse than the actual students shouldn't get the job simply. Why? They don't have what's required to do the job effectively. In other words, I'm in school to know more about Schrödinger's cat, not the Na'vi language. Kinda hard to learn about a contradicting kitty if I have to figure out if I'll need to learn German first to understand the class.

2) The Lenient Linch

     Do you know how awesome it'd be if I could teach myself anything? I would learn how to code, cook, animate, and speak every language of the world. I would be the next Barbie. But let's keep it real--this is Earth we live in, and we're only humans. The last time I tried to teach myself something, I legit nearly blew up my kitchen. WE NEED TEACHERS FOR ONE SIMPLE REASON--THERE'S NO OTHER WAY TO LEARN.

     You would think that the same people who were hired for said reasons would be the ones to best understand this. But it just ain't so.

     I think the lenient linches are the worst shitty teachers. They come in different variations, but the ones I usually encounter are the ones who, after either not teaching you at all or directing you to the textbook, hands you an assignment (which ranges from a five question trivia on shit you learned since you were age fetus or a 300 page essay on the theory of how many licks it takes to get on the center of a tootsie roll pop) and expects you to get a 105% on the final exam by the end of the year. They are the ultimate extremists when it comes to the term "teaching to teach oneself." This may not bother a lot of students (like I said, shitty students are very much alive) but I think it's an absolute waste of time to not learn something out of school. If I'm required by law to go through this I might as well get something good out of it, right?

     But noooooo. Even that can't happen. Life must love to look down at me and be like 'Not today, bitch. Not today' because since sixth grade at least two of my teachers were LLs.

     Now, I like to consider myself reasonable. Maybe, just maybe, there is a chance that I could try to understand the reasoning behind it all. But the excuses are as repetitive as they are horrible.

     I can't stand children.

     ^^Oh, really? You poor soul. It's so unfortunate that you voluntarily decided to choose a carrier that deals with children. I completely understand.

     I'm too tired.

     ^^ Mmmhmmm. Keep talking like you're the only one who gets up early. See where that gets you in life.

     You're here to learn how to teach yourself.

     ^^(*Sneezes*) Pardon me. Bullshit must be in the air; I'm quite allergic to it.

     But really? Is that your excuse? Even if that was true, you're not even doing that! Where's the lesson on sufficient note-taking? Or the guide to understanding what's in a textbook? Well?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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