On My Mind

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Dom had spent the whole of the next day thinking about Letty, wondering who she was, and where she came from, if she had a crew? Who was she working for? He tried to shake it off, but he couldn't. 

"What you say we head up town tonight? Hijack a few nice cars?" Roman said to the rest of the crew, who were gathered in the small kitchen at Toretto's house. 

Everybody agreed. Everybody expect Dom. 

"I'm going to handle my own business tonight." He said, with a stern look on his face. 

"Why? What's up Dom?" Tej asked. 

"I got some shit to handle on my own. You lot have fun. Don't get into trouble." He said, as he made a watching you gesture with his two fingers, pointed toward his eyes. 

Later that night Dom headed out in his car, back to the race he was at yesterday. This time he was alone. He was dressed head to toe in black and pulled up in a black aston martin. He stayed in his car, and watched all the racers from a far. Looking for the girl. 

He waited for 45 minutes, and still no sign of Letty. 

Until...he spotted the girl crotched down by her car, she seemed to be fixing her wheel. She wore a black, leather mini skirt, which eventuated her, long, tanned legs, and a similar crop top to the night before. Her effortless beauty made Dominic bite his lip, before he left his car and made his way over to the girl. Everybody was greeting Dom as he walked past them. As he approached the girl, she did not notice, and she continued to fix her car wheel. 

"Fuck!" She spat, as she tossed the alloy across the floor, it landing next to Dom's feet. Dom let out a laugh. Letty looked up, she appeared to have smidge black oil, from her car, perfectly pressed onto her cheek, something that made Dom feel even more drawn to her. He liked the fact she wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty like most girls would. 

"Oh it's you!" Letty said with true disgust written on her face. 

Dom laughed. "You scared or something?"

"Of you? I've seen kittens scarier than u." Letty said

"Need a hand?" Dom asked as he picked up the part of the wheel Letty had thrown to the ground. 

"No. I do shit on my own. Always have, always will. You think you're some hero or something?"

"Woah! Fiesty. I like it." Dom said, as he bit his lip once more. 

As he did, as guy approached Letty from behind, and tried to grab her by the wrist, in an aggressive manor. However, Dom couldn't believe his eyes, at what Letty did next. 

****Thanks for the comments/likes. Don't forget to vote/comment if you want to see more from this story. If not I probably won't continue, as I'm not sure on it...

Thank you!!!*****

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2017 ⏰

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