Miss Jackson

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"Wanna watch where you walk, short stack?" I heard someone call making me briefly look over my shoulder to see a black haired teen-probably my grade-had accidentally knocked into a girl wearing a cheer uniform; typical prep schools. You have preps, jocks, cheerleaders, nerds, outcasts, and the in-betweens; back in Illinois, I was an in-between. I wasn't entirely sure what that was but I never got picked on and I had a bit too many friends to be considered an outsider which is why I was set in that category. It was a dumb system created by students who thought they were the next Macho Man when in reality their self esteem was lower my pay check; that was low.

"Whoa there, in a rush?" I heard a monotoned voice ask as I felt my body hit with what I thought was just a wall when it was in fact a person which made me feel like short stack who had bumped into the blonde just seconds ago.
"Uh yeah, sorry" I mumbled quickly crouching down to pick up my binder and loose papers when a hand came down and picked up a drawing I hadn't completed along with my schedule.
"English is down that way" he told me pointing down the hall I just came from handing my papers back once we were both standing; that's when I got a good look at the stranger I had collided with.
"Oh, thanks. Some way or another I would figure it out, I might've been late but I guess it's better to have someone tell you exactly where you're going, right?" I stumbled as I took the papers and stuffing them back into my black binder.
"I'm Mikey"
"Nice to meet you" I said shaking his stretched out hand as he moved his books to his other arm.
"I'd love to stay and chat but that bell means we have two minutes before class starts so I'll see you around, new girl" he told me before walking away and down where I had to walk but I didn't want to look like a stalker-despite the fact he had just told me where to go-and took the long away to class; I have an excuse to be late, I'm new.

I found the room and rushed in just before the teacher closed the door which caught the attention of twenty-something heads turning to look at me standing at the front of the class; I looked at the teacher who peered down at his white binder before facing me and removing his glasses, sending a welcoming smile.
"Ah miss Jackson, welcome. I was worried you had gotten lost. I'm mister Thomas" he addressed shaking my hand.
"You can call me Evelyn, sir" I peeped.
"You may take a seat at the back next to Way, Evelyn" he told me which got others snickering at the mention of 'Way' and it slightly confused me. Was Way a nose picking minecraft obsessed senior who didn't pass junior English? Or was it a complete wreck of a goody two-shoes freshmen who was able to skip grades and had a terrible lisp and whisper-yelled at people that decided to talk in class but both of my assumptions were incorrect when I was met with the perfect facial structure that belonged to the Mikey dude I had met in the halls; he moved his open pencil case and comic book closer to himself and sent me the tiniest smile as I pushed the chair out and flattened out my skirt before taking a seat next to him.

"Alright, please take out the notes you took last night while reading the chapters I assigned for Macbeth, I expect more than just simple sentences from you all. This is a William Shakespeare book we're talking about!" mister Thomas said in a rather enthusiastic tone; nonetheless the students all opened their binders and one by one began raising their hands for their chance to write notes on the board.
"If you want you can write one of mine, I'm not much of a walk to the front of the class kinda person" Mikey whispered sliding his notebook over to me making me peer down at the messy handwriting in black pen and doodles at the top of the page telling me he got bored while writing them.
"Thanks but we had just finished the book when I moved so I have my own" I told him opening my binder and showing him the notes I had taken for each chapter; he skimmed through the pages and then smiled at me which made me send one back. It was contagious.
"Good to know you'll ace the final test he decides to give us"
"I'll help you study for it" I told him padding my papers.

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