Chapter 23//Nightmares

Start from the beginning

There's something out here. Bring the pack and scan the forest for anything suspicious. I'm about half a mile east of your current location.

Within a second, Luke's measured and precise voice is heard echoing through my head.

On it alpha.

It was only a few seconds until another sound was heard behind me, though it was louder this time. I immediately knew that it was Luke. A bit of stress slipped away at that reassuring noise, though it instantly returned at the sound of grunts and shouts.

Muffled cries for help could be heard in every
direction, until in a brief moment, everything went silent. Then from out of the silence, a dark figure stepped forward. His silhouette fell in a wicked slant across the forest floor as the entirety of his figure slipped through the trees.

"Who the hell are you?" I holler.

A chuckle is heard from the darkness.

"I thought you'd have guessed by now. I mean you should know where you are."

Then, from out of the treacherous shadows steps a boy a little bit older than me with striking features. He has a full set of blond hair on his head, similar to mine except more of a buzz cut. His piercing green eyes bore deep into my own and I knew that he was familiar.

"Hello Kyle."

Then it hits me.


The boy before me is someone that I know. Someone from deep in my past.

My brother.

His tan face and angular cheekbones are those that haunt me in my dreams.


It was my 14th birthday when it happened. I had just returned to my dorm after school and been welcomed by my caring friends, when he walked in. You could tell that he was livid, though at the time I had had no idea as to why.

Slamming the door he stomped over to me, my friends silent beside me.

"Why is it that you get all the glory huh?".

At first I was utterly confused by his question, until he continued.

"I'm the older brother. I deserve to be the alpha and have all the friends and popularity. You are nothing but a spineless wimp. I could be so much better than you!".

Then I understood. He was mad about how I had just been named alpha. You see, our previous alpha had just been killed in a fight against the rogues. It was the saddest thing to ever happen at the school, and to make matters worse, in his will he had requested that I be his successor. So just like that, I became alpha of the Edgewater pack. Everyone was happy for me, wishing me a wonderful reign, which was why I was so confused as to why Rocky was so upset.

"Look Rocky, I'm sorry. But alpha Jacob named me his successor, so no matter what I do, I have to become alpha."

This just seemed to make him even more livid.

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