Good Moaning

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In order to alleviate my anxiety,I wake up early in the morning to go to the town cafe down the street. What anxiety? you're probably asking yourself ... well the answer is school . The first day of school. Well it's now September 5 , 6:53 a.m and in less than in our I have to be in a place with a bunch of people I don't know and the ones that I do know I probably don't like .
The night before I prepared myself for this very day.I picked out a cute outfit , put gum in backpack, and brought my headphones. Headphones? Yea headphones , I am now in tenth  grade and I believe that is very necessary. It is now 7:23 a.m and I'm rushing to my locker because it's the first day and I don't wanna be the one to show up late. In my school there are nine periods in a day. First period I see many people I've had classes with the year before . I find my seat next to someone I feel comfortable enough to talk to. "Hi!" says the girl sitting next to me , "how was your summer , I missed you , why didn't u call me !" .Well I simply reply, " it was great how was yours". That conversation lasted .7 seconds until I needed to go find someone else to distract myself with.
It's now 1:05 pm and I have one period left to go. "Hey what are you doing after school, wanna hit the mall " . I go no thanks I'm busy later when I really I can't wait to go back to the cafe . My favorite place second to my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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