Awoken: Who Knew- Season 3

Start from the beginning

"I finished." I said as I showed him I had my pajamas on.

"Good." He chuckled. "Did. You brush your teeth and your hair?" He asked.

"Yeah mom helped me with those." I said.

"That's good." He smiled.

"Now what?" I asked.

"If you're tired then go to sleep." He said.

"But I'm not."

"Umm.. Then.. Watch TV." He said.

"Alright. I saw a TV in my room so I'll watch that." I said.

"Ok, goodnight." Alfredo chuckled.

"Night." I replied and walked out. I went back to my room and turned on the TV. I started to flip through the channels until I saw a familiar face, me.

"Have you heard Kylie Braun has woken up? She's now out of the hospital." And old looking man said. The screen then showed that kid Justin's face. What is he doing there?

"Um no I didn't." Justin replied. "That's good." He said. He sounded like he didn't care. Well isn't that rude?

"Will you go visit her? Do you still have feelings for her?" The guy asked.

"Nah, I don't think I'll visit her soon since I have a busy schedule and I've moved on.." Justin said.

"Well that's good, I don't have feelings for you either." I said to myself and crossed my arms. I can already tell I'm not going to like him, he seems rude. i didn't want to see his face anymore so I changed the channel and watched a show that I learned was called Full House. As I was watching I became sleepy so I fell fast asleep.

* * *

Justin's P.O.V

"Yo Fredo where you at?" I asked as he answered his phone.

"Bro it's almost midnight, I was fast asleep." He yawned.

"Where you at?" I asked again.

"I'm at Scooters house."

"Why?" I sighed as I randomly drove around downtown.

"I'm helping them take care of Kylie."

"Why? She's like 19 now, she's old enough to take care for herself."

"Yeah she could if she's not confused all the time."

"What do you mean?" I asked trying not to sound concerned.

"She lost her memory bro. She didn't even know who we were."

"Did she remember me?"

"No, but Scooter told her about you because she asked."

"If she didn't remember me then how does she know about my existence?" I asked as I pulled up to a ledge where you can view the whole city from here, it was really beautiful.

"Supposedly she had a dream while she was in that coma."

"What kind of dream?" I asked being more curious.

"She said you two where married and you had two kids named Caleb and Codie and you were living together.. She also said Ryan raped her and a few years later he kidnapped her hit her then the last thing she remembered was her getting shot in the shoulder by Ryan." Alfredo explained.

"Damn really?" I sighed.


"Alright um.. I'll let you sleep maybe I can come down and we can hang out tomorrow." I said. I didn't wait for a reply and hung up. I sighed and got out of the car and went to sit on the hood. I looked up and gazed at the stars.

"I still see you Jylie, you can't hide." I said to myself as I looked at the star I got Kylie on Christmas two years ago. "Kylie... Kylie... Kylie.." I said to myself. "Why did you lose your memory? How can you forget me? I haven't forgotten about you." I said to myself quietly as I looked down. "You know that I still love you, right? I'm sorry for leaving your side, you just took long to wake up.. I didn't want to get too attached in case.. I lost you." I said as a tear escaped my eyes. "My heart can't choose what I want. I care for you so much, but Selena also has me under her spell.. I don't know who to choose." I sighed as I wiped my eyes. I then looked back up at the stars. "Look you got me going crazy Kylie, I'm now talking to myself." I chuckled. Just then my phone went off.

'Its getting late sweetie, come back to the hotel' Mom texted me.

'Alright' I replied and went back into the car and drive to the hotel. I couldn't go to sleep, my mind was on Kylie.

Do I want her?


Authors Note:

Do you guys like what I did? I thought it would be a cool plot twist :) I hope you guys like where I'm going with this! I did this kind of to bring Jylie back since most of you like them so much and I didn't know how to do jylie moments in Under Pressure since they're old and yeah lol

Giveaway: these are the rules to win the sweatshirt-
1. Go to a public area where people are around
3. You have to video tape it for proof
4. Bark like a dog 3 times
5. After you have to tell me why you want it (write it down not like say it)
6. Send me them with the hashtag #GiveMeFredo on Instagram or Twitter

any objections? Comment now.
Want the rule to be different? tell me now.

Kik: BeenHereSince09.

Twitter: @BeenHereSince09

Instagram: WhoKnewSeries

Awoken: Who Knew- Season 3Where stories live. Discover now