"I-I..." He tries to say something, but you cut in on him.

"I don't want to hear any of your excuses. Just go away," you shout at him, but Castiel doesn't move, he stays right next to you.

"Cas, please," you beg him. You just want to be alone. You don't want to look at him, because it reminds you of the horrible night.

"I said go the fu-," you yell and turn at him, but he isn't there anymore. He's gone and that's when you burst into tears, letting the emotions take control over you.


When you get to Emporia, it's midnight and you are exhausted. You stagger out of your car and take your duffel bag from the back seat.

You stretch yourself, frowning at the title of the motel, you have just stopped by. 'The Ugly Duckling', seriously? Isn't that from Tangled?

You walk into the reception and ask for a room. When you get there, you switch on your laptop and start researching. You look for some weather changes and missing people. The demons had to get some vessels right?

You find a plenty of missing people, it's already ten, not five. Oh Cas... After three hours of researching you decide to go to bed. You don't even close your eyes, when someone bangs on the door. You jump from the bed and take your gun from the bedside table. You creep to the window and look outside. You frown once you see the person in front of your door. It could be a shapeshifter...

You load your gun with silver bullets before you crack the door open.

"What do you want?" You ask him, still hiding behind the door, but he just pushes the door open and makes his way into the room.

"What the hell, Dean?" You yell, slamming the door behind him. Once he turns around, you freeze. He looks so angry. His eyes are dark and his whole body is tense. Fuck.

"What were you thinking? You can't disappear like that!" He yells right back at you.

"What?" You don't understand.

"Come on, (y/n)! If Cas didn't bring me here, me and Sammy wouldn't be able to find you! You can't go alone against an army of demons, for God's sake!" He calms a bit down, but his voice sounds still strong and angry.

"You could get yourself killed," he ends his speech, looking into your eyes.

"You didn't want my help!" You get angry. He's no right to shout at you.


"You and Sammy were all so mysterious, not telling me a word about the demons... So I thought I could do it myself." You throw your hands in the air.

"You are wrong. We want your help. We need your help, we can't do it without you and you can't do it without us." He crosses his arms on his chest.

"What makes you so sure about it?" You narrow your eyes on him.

"Because you are clumsy as hell," he shrugs. It takes you off guard. You weren't prepared for jokes. You stare at him for a while, before both of you burst into laughter.

"I'm sorry," you whisper as you hug him, smiling.

"Don't be. I'm sorry." He strokes your back, making you shiver. You blush lightly, when you realize that you are hugging the Dean Winchester. Jeez, he smells so nice.

"Okay, so what now?" You ask after you pull away from him.

"Which one is yours?" He points to the double bed.


"Which side do you sleep on?" He smiles.

"Ohh, on the left one, why?"

"Because I need to sleep somewhere." He grins.


"Well, our last motel is too far away, I have no Impala and Castiel is gone. Sammy's gonna arrive here tomorrow," he shrugs. Calm down, it doesn't mean anything. You are just gonna sleep next to each other, nothing more. You nod and crawl back under the covers. You rest on your elbows and look at Dean, who starts undressing himself. Okay, I should give him some privacy.

You lie back, but you turn on your side to have a view on him. Even though you shouldn't stare at him, you just can't stop yourself.

Dean puts off all of his clothes except his boxers and his black t-shirt. Such a shame. Once he lies next to you, you turn off the lights.

"Good Night," you whisper, before you close your eyes.

"Good Night, (y/n)," he replies, sounding so tired.


"Mhm...?" He mutters.

"You should know that I'm a cuddler," you giggle into the cover. It's not really true, but you remember a lot of guys, who hate to cuddle with their girlfriends. You squeak, when you feel his arm sneaking around your waist, pulling you into his embrace.

"Me too," he whispers into your ear. His chest is pressed to your back and his arms are around your tummy. You don't know what to do, so you just ignore the butterflies in your stomach. You drift off to sleep, listening to Dean's breathing. 

A/N Yaay another chapter! What do you think?:)

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