Introduction : About the author

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Hello! My name is Keola I am 14 and a freshman in High School. I write books and read for fun. If you have any ideas or tips I'd love it if you shared them with me.

You can call me - Keo - Koala - Kit Kat - or simply - Keola :)

If you couldn't already tell I am indeed a girl and I am attracted in every way to boys if you were wondering

I live in Washington and am from Hawaii

I was born in Denver Colorado

I am Hawaiian, Samoan, Japanese, Mexican, Portugese, Native American, Irish and so much more ;,,)

I am currently in a long distance relationship with my best friend who lives in Georgia

I am Fasinated with Astrology and Astronomy

Sun - Libra

Rising - Aquarius or Virgo forgot which one ;,,)

Moon - Aquarius or Virgo I also forgot this one too ;,,)

My favorite animals are Wolves, Polar Bears, Grizzlys, Pandas, and Hippos

Basically anything thats really cute but can and will kill you in an instant if necessarry

I am/am a :





Child of the Lilith



Child of the Nephilim


Daughter of Aphrodite

Tribute of district 12




Future author

4.0 student

If you have any questions about me or anything else just comment them and ill add more things about me that you'd like to know

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