A Dreamers Oasis

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Can somebody really live after their soul has died? Thats what was going through the girls head as she stared at the blank page before her, the page alive and waiting, anticipating the sensual caresses of the pen. Her name doesn’t matter, it doesn’t define who she is, what she has done, it is just a label society has given her. But for the shits and giggles lets call her X, her life has had its shares of ups and downs, heart broken more times than one can count. Hopes and dreams dashed to shredded by the restraints of a shapeless society. 

X is different, and for this she is dangerous. she lived day to day in daze just trying to fit in with the mundane lives of those around her. X has a family, she sure does but this family has been assigned to her by the higher powers of F.A.T.E . She doesn‘t fit in with the family yet she has lived with them 18 years. Her mother is a rigged, stiff backed person who power of intimidation has gotten her far in her lifetime. The dad is a laid back sweet heart with a heart of pure untainted gold. His power of charm and giving has gotten him far in his lifetime. 

Then theres X, a pandoras box, a paradox to the world. Nobody really knows how to approach her, never has there been somebody who goes against the grain of society. She is dangerous. In this world she lives in everybody has a certain quality that is inbred in them at birth, and for the rest of their lives they work to perfect it, doing their part to make this perfect society run in perfect harmony. But even the most perfect machines and organisms are susceptible to glitches and  illness. Nobody can run from the powers of life, nothing is perfect, even in this seemingly perfect world there is so much wrong with it. X is that glitch in this world, lets call this world “ W Harmonii” yeah thats good. X doesn’t have that gene that predestined her life at birth. She has the choice to be many things and fuck shit up in the process. 

Being free to choose who she wants to be is great but she carries a burden that nobody else has to carry. Since the people of W Harmonii have been “programed” more or less to do one thing they don't have to worry about anything but what they where made to do benefit the world. Their minds are only big enough to grasp at the one straw and perfect that. X on the other hand is not limited by what her mind was programmed to she has emotions, like disappointment, love lose, and among other things not having the strength to fight back when others barrel on her their relentless prodding. She can’t really be mad at them because  thats all they know, forwards their skill and craft to better W Harmonii. 

A Dreamers Oasisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें