Chapter 14: Do You Ever Think... What If?

Start from the beginning

The girls were waiting for me in the elevator. I knew as soon as I saw Steph's face that I was in for some teasing.


We went to the nail salon: Sarah's idea. She assured us that she was a regular there, and they always treated her well. She even joked that she could probably get us a discount.

It was right in the middle of town, nestled between a pizza shop and movie rental place. I couldn't believe we hadn't noticed it on the way into town the previous night. But then again, it had been late when we'd gotten into town. I didn't even remember it, to be honest.

"Nails Galore" had these huge windows out front that had different things written on them in stickers, signs, window paint, and posters. One window had the hours of business, the cost of a few different things, a sign about the remodeling happening in a month, and a giant decal of a woman's hand. The other had various posters, some about the salon, others about different events happening in town. I noticed there was a poster for the WWF live events that week. I smiled when I saw that poster; Shawn and I were the picture up top. It was of us posing before his match, and underneath the photo was the card for the shows.

Steph nudged me as Sarah opened the door for us. She pointed at the picture, not realizing I'd already seen it. I grinned back at her, showing my excitement. She gave me a small squeeze, knowing how much just that simple poster meant to me.

We filed in and took our seats, telling the ladies what we wanted. Sarah did most of the talking. I even trusted her to pick out my nail style. Sarah gave me that little smile of hers before rattling off the exact thing I was thinking of. The oval nails with scarlet polish. There were times I swear she could read my mind.

The three of us and the three girls doing our nails were the only ones in the salon, and they told us no other appointments were scheduled for the day, so we could stay as long as we wanted. Sarah knew them all by name. Cheryl, the one waiting on her, was a middle-aged woman, maybe ten years older than the two of us, with hair that looked like it came from the previous decade. She popped her bubblegum as she talked to us, obviously from the south. Abby was the younger girl who did my nails, with fiery hair and a small voice. Steph was left with Joyce, the sixty-something year old who was mostly quiet but knew a lot about sweaters, the "good old days", and suprisingly, wrestling.

Joyce knew who I was as soon as she saw my face. "Well I'll be darned," she exclaimed. "You're Katherine McMahon."

I smiled politely, even though my insides were raging with excited energy. I hadn't met any fans yet who knew me for anything other than "Shawn's girl".

"Yes ma'am," I replied.

"I watch you on the TV with my grandson. He's almost in college now. And he has a very big crush on a certain someone." She gave me what I assumed was to be a teasing wink.

I had to laugh. "I'm sorry to say that I am taken," I answered.

"I don't blame you. That man is a hunk," she commented. She pointed out at the window. "Took me forever to convince Abby to hang up that paper."

"I'm glad you did," I told her sincerely.

The ladies who did our nails were all very sweet and kind to us. I reminded myself to thank Sarah later for bringing us there. The six of us all sat and chatted, well after our nails had probably already dried.

"How old is Ellie now?" I asked Sarah. Ellie was her daughter. They lived near where we were with Sarah's husband and his elderly mother.

"Almost a year now. Can you believe it? One minute she's not even a day old, sleeping in my arms. Then I blink and she's already 10 months and getting into everything," she giggled.

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