Chapter 2

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I pull my blue hoodie off of my dirty blonde hair as I watch Tanners car pull out of his drive-way form my bedroom window. Being in a small town, it wasnt unusual that we lived next door, our town only consist of two blocks anyways. I watch his car put slowly down the broken street until he turns the corner, shielding himself from my sight. 

Backing away from the window, I sit on the edge of my bed and look down at the small, old phone resting in my hand. Sliding the screen up, I scan through the few contacts I have, and the ven fewer I would feel like talking to. With Tanner gone, my life will officially become dull and boring again, as it was before. Selecting my best friend, Riley Fitch, I text her a short, quick message, telling her to meat me at the mall. 

The mall isn't much in our old town, but it is a place to go to get away from parents, for no adult wants to come near the 'teenage infected' building. To me, the mall is more than a hang out, it is a sign of hope for me. It is the place I first met Tanner, who is now the love of my life, and it is the place I first met Riley as well. I remember that day perfectly, I was sitting on a bench, at ten years of age. Riley, who was twelve, was staring at me for over half an hour before she came to talk to me. "You know, that is the pot bench." Her first words make me laugh today, though I didn't understand them at my young age.(I was extremely shielded as a child)  

I simply stared at Riley, tilting my head and chewing the grape hubba-bubba I had purchased inside. "I don't see a pot." 

"Not a cooking pot, the drug pot. You better get off of there, Jaquan hates people on his smoking bench."  

I took her word, even though I didn't know her, and from then on, we were friends. She wondered me learn the ropes, taught me all about pot, and prostitutes, and everything else my parents shielded me from. Sometimes I regret letting her do that, but mostly, I am glad she did. 

Shaking the memory from my mind, I head quietly down the stairs and to the front door. "Headed to the mall with Riley!" I shout to my mother, who is the only sould home today with my father working and my little brother with a friend. 

Slipping out the door, I don't wait for a reply, instead I just climb into my small volts wagon and head down the road to the mall. By the time I arrive, Riley is leaning against one of the rusted light poles next to my usual parking spot, and she kicks my car as I roll to a stop. "Peice of crap, I tell you!" She says with humor in her voice. I. Nt help but smile and laugh with her. "You should tell that billionaire boyfriend of yours to get you a nice sports car for your birthday." 

"Oh, and have to explain why Tanner Howl is sending me a hundred thousand dollar birthday gift? No thanks."  

Riley smiles. "So we're is lover boy off to anyways?" 

"To visit his Aunt in California." 

"You really believe that dumb ass lie?" She ask, chuckling between words. 

"No, but I don't know what else he would be doing. His mom bought the ticket, so surely it isn't something too bad." I say, frowning slightly. 

"It must be hard for you. I know I. Would be devastated if Marcus left me for a week. Did you go to the beach with him last night?" Riley asks, leading me into the old mall. 

"Yes, it was beautiful, with the moon out and the stars shinning brightly." I answer, a smile pulling the corners of my mouth back, showing my small dimples. 

"How was it? Romantic? Sad?" Riley's voice grows higher and I can tell she is excited to hear about it. I first told her about the meetings one month ago. Ever since then, she has always begged me about every little detail. 

"He tried to get me to do it again. Tried to get me to do it with him. I feel bad not doing it, but something inside of me just isn't ready yet. He seemed disappointed when he finally stopped begging. Do you think I am wrong not doing it?" 

"I think it is up to you, honestly. If your not ready to give him it, don't. If he really loves you, it won't make a difference."  

Riley looses focus after her words of encouragement, stopping every conversation I try to start by commenting on a new dress in a clothing store, or bursting into laughter when she sees a fat kid run by.(Riley is absolutely obsessed with fat kids, she always has been) 

After touring the grand total of eight shopes for four hours, Riley and I return to our separate homes, searching for a little time alone. Despite parting ways, Riley and I texted for over an hour while we searched to web for random things and just sat around bored. At six o' clock, my dad called up to my room, obviously surprised I hadn't left for the mall yet.  

"Avery is out of town with her sick grandmother, she couldn't make it tonight, or for a while." I lied straight to my father's face. It was nothing new to me, I had been lying since the day I met Riley, and it had grown easy for me. 

My father accepted my lie easily and left me to my own business in my room. 'So gullible,' I though, laughing inside, 'so easy to fool.' For the rest of the night, I layed on my bed waiting for Tanner to text like he promised. He finally called me, and I locked the door before answering. 

"How is my precious baby?" Tanner asked, his soft, loving voice playing gently from the phone. 

I breathed a deep, relaxing sigh and smiled. "Perfect now that I can talk to you. How is your Aunt?" 

"She's great, she got a new dog named Rosco that is the cutest little guy ever." A deep bark in the background cuts him off. "Okay, maybe not that little. Anyways, I miss you so much. I thought about you at six, knowing we would be meeting at the mall." 

"I did too. I wish I could give you a k-" Banging on my locked door, followed by my dad's voice cuts me off.  

Without thinking, I hang up on Tanner and stash my phone between my bed mattress and the bed skirt. Smoothing my outfit, I walk calmly to the door and open it. "Yes, father?"

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