I sprint towards the entrance praying they don't smell my fear. I run across the souls and safely make it to the bank. I see the hell hounds running out of the castle, coming straight for me. I turn to run for the border when suddenly a knife barely misses my ear. I look and see Mercy right behind them. I run to the border and whistle for Churn. He comes and I jump on before he can reach the ground. We soar into the sky, but not before a knife catches him off guard and hits him in the leg. Thank Melora I chose the toughest pegasus I could find. A hit like this and usually they come right out of the sky, but not Churn. We make our way to castle when I spot someone coming over the mountain. Maion?

Maion POV

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Maion POV

I walk over the largest hill I think I have ever climbed. How does Konja do this everyday? 

"Need some assistance your highness?" I hear Chiron say with a chuckle.

"Thank Melora you're here. This is the only time I thank mom for being overprotective." I say with a chuckle. I climb onto his back and we set off into the sky.

"Which castle princess?" Chiron asks.

"The one on the right."

We soar gracefully onto the balcony of the tower that held Konja's study.

"I'm here. I made it!" I yell into the room with a laugh.

"Tsk. Tsk. When are you ever going to realize that those heels aren't made for Regal Grove?" Konja laughs. 

"Ha Ha. Very funny. Thank you Chiron, you can return to the castle." I say with a wave as he hover about the balcony.

"Yes your highness. Do be careful." Chiron says while soaring into the distance.

"Seriously, why does your mother make the oldest griffin to ever exist in Amyron follow you? I mean what is he going to do? Tell a beast one of his stories?" Konja says while chuckling.

"Hey! I like those stories." I protest with a smile.

"You would Mai. Now, what shall we do today?"

"How about we find me some shoes and we go check on Eilo and his mother." I say hoping that Eilo, her elephant, is in a good mood today.

"Sure, but you won't want to see his mother today. You think my mother is loony, wait until you see her." She says with a serious face.

"Right. Well shall we?"

"We shall." She grabs my arm and we walk into the hall.

We make it to the throne room when suddenly, a vision stops me in my tracks.

I see Niva running across the water, easily making her way onto the bank. Hell hounds? Why are they after her? I look behind her. Alina's castle? What is she doing there and why is she being chased? Wait, who is that behind the hell hounds? Mercy?

"Niva watch out" I shout but she doesn't hear me. 

Mercy quickly takes out a rather large knife and throws it ever so gracefully at Niva. 

"NO!" I yell out into the throne room, Konja jumped from the sudden outburst.

"Well if my shoe selection is really that bad you could have just told me. No need to yell." she says rubbing her ear.

"No, I saw Niva at Alina's castle. She could get hurt! Mercy threw a knife right at her! I got to-"

"What you got to do is slow down. I will yell for Tagid." 


"Oh, sorry. We got a few dragons to help guard Regal Grove."

"Dragons? As in fire-breathing lizards?"

"Hey! They are friendly."

We rush out the doors and she whistles a high pitched tune. A rather large dragon appears with a white mark on her forehead.

"Yes your highness?" Tagid says, hovering over us.

"She talks?" I ask astonished.

"Of course. What did you think they do? Roar all the time?" Konja says with a laugh.

"Right. Tagid, can you fly me to Alina's domain."

"Of course High princess. Climb on."

I climb onto her back and make myself comfortable.

*Fast forward*

I make it to the mountain top and pray it is not too late to help Niva. I should have brought Konja with me to heal her but nope, not thinking.

I see a pegasus flying overhead. Niva? How are you alive?

"NIVA!" I scream when I see blood flowing down the pegasus back.

The pegasus lands next to me and I see that Niva isn't hurt at all, but the animal is.

"What were you thinking? Going to Alina's domain? Do you have a death wish? I-"

"Princess! I am alright. I was just looking for you." She says with a smile. "I am glad you are okay. Here get on Churn and we will escort you safely to the palace."

I climb onto the injured animal with Niva behind me. We make our way to the palace. Why would she be looking for me at Alina's domain? I told mother I was going to Konja's. Something isn't adding up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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