"I suppose we should wait until he's a little more comfortable with us. And vocal."

"Probably a good idea."

Her eyes met mine,

"It's been two weeks...he hasn't said a word."

I kissed her forehead,

"It will come."


Things pretty much fell into a routine after that. Kesse woke up screaming at some point almost every time he slept. Once or twice Em and I had walked into his room to see Lucy cuddled into his bed with him, her arm protectively around his small body. We left them alone usually. Albert informed us it was better to allow them to work it out themselves.

Since Kesse's twice a week visits with Albert he'd become far more relaxed and happy in the house. Though he still hadn't spoken a word.

He reached up to tug on my hand as I made dinner, gesturing to the cup of water on the counter while he nervously chewed on his teddy bear. I knelt down to his eye level, pressing my hands onto his hips,

"You want some water, Scout?"

He nodded, so I reached up to grab the glass and hand it to him. I was struck at just how different he and Noah were even though they were the same age. Noah was currently sitting on the floor toying around with his action figures. I didn't think Noah had a care in the world in that moment other than what he was playing with and annoying his sister whenever he got the chance. While Kesse was a bag of nerves and always very subdued and quiet.

Emily walked into the kitchen, shaking her head as she looked at her phone,

"I dunno about this statement." She said as she walked past.

I stood up once Kesse had taken all the water he wanted,

"What's wrong with it?"

"It makes it seem like he's a guest in our family. He's not a guest Harry, he's our son."

I popped a cooked pepper into my mouth and chewed,

"Alright, I'll ask Jeff to take a look at it."

"When are the photographers coming tomorrow?" She asked as she set her phone down.

"Around noon I think. You'll need to discuss with your daughter about her clothing that's been chosen."

"What's wrong with her clothing? We're all wearing yellow shirts and jeans."
"She doesn't think yellow is her color." I answered through a half giggle.

Emily sighed, walking forward to wind her arms around my waist and press her cheek to my chest,

"I feel like we need another vacation."

I kissed the top of her head as she squeezed me to her,

"Monaco is calling."

She looked up at me, pursing her lips in anticipation for a kiss. I obliged, leaning down to peck a kiss to her mouth,

"Things will calm down. They have for the most part. Noah and Lucy are fine and have sailed through the transition just fine. Kesse is a little bit slower but it's not a huge deal."

She glanced down at Kesse who had decided to take a seat next to Noah and join in on the play acting with their action figures. Noah didn't mind or care, he pushed a few of them over to Kesse and explained the scenario he was going for. Kesse nodded as if he understood, which I'm not entirely sure he did since his English was still limited but Noah just blew right past any mistakes without a word. I was amazed that my three year old little boy showed more compassion than grown adults.

The Adoption - Until I Find You Again // Book ThreeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz