"It's okay, I know I suck." I said, a little embarrassed.

"No, really. You'll get better."

"I hope so."


Percy POV-
"I don't think we should invite to many people." Annabeth said, "Just the camps and your parents."

"That's basically everyone we know I said.

"True." Annabeth shrugged.

"Why do weddings have to be such a hassle? We could get married right now, right here."

"Do you know how many people would kill us if we did that?" Annabeth snorted.

"I see your point."

I tightened my hold on Annabeth and brought her closer to me as we laid on the sand and looked up into the beautiful sky.

"We should get married here." Annabeth said.

"A perfect beach wedding." I smiled. "I love it."

"And the cake will be blue with macarons on top. And Demeter's kids can do the floral arrangements. And Tyson can make the rings. And someone that's not Hera can marry us. Oh Percy, it'll be perfect."

"Anything you plan is perfect. And anything with you in it is more than perfect ." I was sure my smile would never go away, as long as Annabeth was there.

"Oh shut up Seaweed Brain."

Neville POV-

"Your one of the luckier Wizards." Sam said.

"I know, I'm still amazed that I got to come here." I replied, eating grapes.

"No, I mean, you got put with Percy. Don't get me wrong, everyone else is amazing. But Percy? You really are going to get to the top of the lava wall."

"No ones told us everything he's done yet."

"That will come with time and trust."

Sam reached for my plate and stole a grape, plopping it into her mouth.

"Hey!" I said.

"They were right there. How could I not take one?" She shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and pushed my plate to the middle of the table.

She smiled and started digging in.


The table shook and everyone turned wide eyed to the source of the noice, most already reaching for their weapons and standing up in a fighting stance. Including Sam.

But no monster was in sight.

"Do you guys like my new hammer?" Said Leo, hand on a giant hammer at the front of the Pavilion.

I looked back over to Sam, who relaxed and set her two knives on the table.

"What the fuck Leo?!" Thalia exclaimed, flipping out.

Not A Normal Fieldtrip (Voldemorts Grandson book 2)Where stories live. Discover now