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                   Luna's POV

Me and Ethan were walking down the sidewalk of the park. He pulled me aside and kisses me. Our lips move in sync. I smile.

He pulls away and whispers "I Love You Luna" in my ear.

I shiver over his touch. He looks me in the eyes. "Its time." I rise my eyebrows in confusion.

I hear a gun shot. Ethan starts to bleed from his stomach. He falls to the floor. I grab him in my arms and cry.

"ETHAN WAKE UP! STOP PLAYING AROUND WITH ME"I yell. Everything around me started to turn white. Ethan disappears. I start to yell and scream and cry.

I wake up breathing heavily and dry tears. I get up out of bed.
I walk in my bathroom. "I miss you E"I cry sitting in my bathroom floor.

I start to bang on the wall and floor. My brother,Jake runs in and pulls me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and cry in his neck.

He starts to rub my back. "Its ok Luna."he repeated to calm me down. I start to breathe normally. I look out my window to see his light off.

"i-i miss his s-s-so much ja-jake"I start crying again.

"I know. He is just stupid leaving his best friend"he kisses my forehead. My sister walks in.

"Everything ok? In here" She asked rubbing her eyes. Me and Jake nod our heads.

I slowly fall asleep to the sound of Jakes beating heart.


I laugh with Ethan as Grayson slipped on the last step on the stairs at school.

We walk out of school. I see my brother. I smile. "text me later E. See ya Gray"I say running to Jakes car.


I sigh. He hasn't texted me back. So I texted him myself.

Me~Babe u ok?
Read @9:56

I turn my phone off.

Next day at school

I walk in school and everyone stares at me. I laugh and roll my eyes.

Ethan walk beside me and laughed. I look at him.

"What?"I snapped.

"Madison won and said that your a slut. People think its funny"he says laughing.

"How is that FUCKING FUNNY ETHAN?"I yell. "She's the fucking slut here"

"Luna you know I like her don't insult her in front of me"he clenches his jaw.

I roll my eyes. "go fuck her like every girl you "liked" cause I'm done with this Madison bullshit Ethan."I say and turn around and walk away.

That's the last I heard from him.

*end of flashback*

I wake up and get ready for school.
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I get in my blue jeep

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I get in my blue jeep. I drive to school with the music turned up loud.

I pull up to school and park. I get out of my jeep. Almost everyone was looking at me. I smile and open the doors to the school.
(Imagine that in slow-mo if you want haha)

I see Grayson wave. I nod and walk passed him. I get to my locker and open it. I look at Ethan and I seen his little friend was growing. I laugh.

Madison walks up to him. She grabs his face and kisses him. I roll my eyes and walk to 1 class.

"Zamnn my bestie has a ass and looks hottt"My best friend Chloe says. I laugh.

"Thanks Cece"I say smiling.

Her and Grayson been dating for 3 years now. I'm happy for them.

- End Of The Day

I grab my stuff from my locker until it closes shut.

"What happen to MY innocent nobody"I hear.


Who is it?

Find out soon🎀


Peace my lovely biscuits✌❤ 

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