Draco x Reader

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This wasn't requested.

Description: Reader and Draco are in a secret relationship because Reader doesn't want their friends Harry, Ron and Hermione leaving her from being with Draco. Draco is getting sad and annoyed that Reader won't tell anyone. Reader flips out at Draco but then later feels bad so Reader goes to apologize but they end up getting upset because they find Draco in a certain situation. 

Genre: Fluff (maybe some angst)

Warnings: None

Draco and I were walking down a hallway holding hands. We were talking about random things when I saw the golden trio walk around the  corner coming towards us. I quickly pulled our hands apart and stood a bit away from him. I looked over at him with the corner of my eye and saw he had a hurt look on his face. I felt an instant pang of guilt. "Hey Y/N," Hermione says walking by us. "Hey," I say while waving. Ron and Harry waved back and soon they were out of our sight again. "Y/N, why can't we tell them?" Draco asks. "I've told you why before Draco. I'm scared they'll leave me," I say. "Y/N they wouldn't be your friends if they left you for dating me," Draco says. I sighed frustrated. "You don't understand Draco," I say walking off. "Y/N wait!" Draco called after me but he was too late I was already gone.


I was out by Black Lake trying to cool off. I know I shouldn't have flipped out at Draco but I wasn't in the mood for arguing with him any longer. Deciding it was best I went back inside to apologize to him. I got up and walked to the castle, the closer I got the faster I walked. I went to find one of my Slytherin friends to see if they knew where Draco was but I got something totally different. As I rounded a corner I saw Draco and Pansy kissing. "Draco?" I ask with my voice cracking. Draco pushed Pansy away hard. "Y/N, I swear I didn't start this," Draco says. "You didn't seem to keen to finish it either," I say. "Y/N please let me ex-" I cut Draco off. "No Draco, I don't want to here it," I say. I run off with tears brimming in my eyes. I went straight to my room and didn't come out the rest of the night.


The next day was saturday so naturally everyone was going to Hogsmeade to hang out. Well everyone but me. Hermione asked me why I wouldn't go so I just said I wasn't feeling well. She didn't buy it but she let it go. Unfortunatley for me when Hermione told Harry and Ron about me not going they immedietly got Hermione to force me to come. After going back and forth a bit I finally agreed to go. Since it was later we decided to just go to the three broomsticks. We all sat down and I looked around. Draco was across the room from us, we made eye contact and he gave me a sad look. I turned around quickly. "Something bothering you Y/N?" Harry asked. "No, I'm fine," I say. Harry looks at Ron and they share a skeptical look. "Y/N, you've been in a sad daze since yesterday, what happened?" Ron asks. "Guys I told you I'm fine," I say. The three decided to leave me alone so Hermione started talking about potions class. I was zoned out through the whole conversation. After Hermione babbled on for a bit I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see Draco standing behind me. "Hey Y/N, can we go for a walk?" Draco asks. I looked at Draco, up close you could see dark circles and bags forming under his eyes. How late was he up until? "Uh, sure," I say reluctently. We walk out of The Three Broomsticks and walk the streets of Hogsmeade. "Y/N can I please explain what happened yesterday?" Draco asks. I give a heavy sigh. "Sure," I say. We sit down on a random bench we found. "Okay so I was talking to Pansy about what I should do about you, I wanted advice on how to see your point and then we heard footsteps and she kissed me! By the time I could process anything you saw," Draco says. I felt immediate guilt. "Draco, I-I didn't know, I'm so sorry," I say. "It's okay love, I forgive you," Draco says. Draco puts his arm around me and pulls me close. I look up and kiss him. It was a sweet short kiss. We pulled away and I chuckled a bit. "What's so funny?" Draco asks. "Oh notthing, I'm just remembering when you hated me and would probably wash your mouth out with bleach if we ever kissed," I say. "Oh no, not those days," Draco says. I chuckle a bit and then I stand up. "Where are you going?" Draco asks. "Actually we are going to tell my friends that we are dating," I say. "Y/N we don't have too," Draco says. "I want to," I say. Draco gets a look of excitment on his face. "Race you there?" Draco asks. "You're on," I say. "On three. One...Two...Three!" Draco says. We both start running like mad men. 


I had won the race to The Three Broomsticks but Draco says that's just because he let me. We walked into The Three Broomsticks hand in hand and we walked over to my friend's. "Guy's I have something to tell you," I say. "Okay..." Harry says. "Draco and I are dating," I say holding up our hands. "I called it!" Hermione says. I give her a confused look. "Y/N it was kind of obvious," Ron says. "Yeah, all that lovey dovey staring from across the great hall and random "Studying" sessions," Harry says. "So you guys are okay with it?" I ask. "Of course! We've never seen you happier," Hermione says. I was beaming at this point. "Oh and one more thing, Malfoy if you hurt her you're dead," Harry says to Draco. "I won't hurt her, I promise," Draco says. Draco sits on the empty chair and I sit in his lap. Ron gags and Hermione awes. Everything was perfect. 

A/N: I hope you guys liked the chapter! I'm in a really writing mood right now so requests would be awesome!!

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