Stage Fright

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"Wow the audience is packed tonight." Sophie says as she peers around the corner.

"Not really what I want to hear right now Soph." Trixie says, leaning against the stage wall.

"Can we just ignore the audience for now and focus on warmups?" I ask as I stand next to Sophie staring at the audience.

The chairs were positioned with the stairs, with the row behind the first row being two steps higher, then the row behind that one being two more steps higher and so on so forth. There were about twelve rows in total with roughly 15 seats for each row. The stage was on level ground with the first row of chairs. It had a small set or stage stairs positioned towards the back with bigger built in stairs going all around the back of the stage behind that. No curtains were attached to the stage at all so it was pretty open for a stage, at least for other people. Stairs to the side led down towards a warmup space which we are currently occupying.

The audience itself was a fairly decent audience. Not too classy yet not to scruffy either. It mostly consisted of parents and a few siblings.

My parents weren't apart of the audience. Not their fault, it's hard to travel into the city when we live so far away. I came here straight from Gotham Academy with my boyfriend, Tim Drake.

Tim is what every girl wants in a guy. He's smart, cute, funny, adorable and he's hot as fuck. Oh and I know about his nighttime activities. I occasionally help him out with research, I'm sort of like his personal Oracle in a way.

"So (Y/n), is your boyfriend here tonight?" Sophie interrogates me as she glares at me with a smirk.

"Oh yeah! I saw you walk with him in your way here so I know he's in the audience." Trixie adds, searching through the audience with Sophie.

I rolls my eyes and lean against the wall, taking Trixies original spot.

"I found him!" Trixie cheers.

"Where is he?!" Sophie asks.

"Third row in the middle. I think his brother is next to him."

I also take a look, searching in the spot that Trixie said. Sure enough, there he was, speaking with Dick who sat beside him. I stare at his facial features, admiring every little curve from afar. How his jaw muscles move in sync as he talks. How built his body structure is and how good it stands out in his plain top and jeans. The way his electric blue eyes stand out as they stare into mine.

Wait what?!

I flinch out of my thoughts as Tim stares at me, smiling and waving towards me. I blush, embarrassed that he caught me staring, and smile lightly whilst doing a small wave to him.

I receive a light punch to my arm and I immediately look up to find both Sophie and Trixie staring at me and making love hearts with their hands. I smack them both across their heads and push them towards the stairs where the rest of the choir is.

"Wow, it's going to be nerve wracking on stage." Trixie states.

"Tell me about it." I reply.

"Calm down (Y/n). Let's just hope you don't faint on stage like you did last time." Sophie adds.

Last time I performed in front of large amount of people, I fainted on stage. I passed out and woke up in a bed with Tim by my side. Not my best memory. And Sophie didn't really do much to calm me down. It's more she added to my nerves then take anything off.

I breathe deeply and stand in my place in the choir formation.

We run through our songs which consisted of My Love Dwelt in a Northern Land, All in a Garden Green and Here You Lie Side by Side. All songs have different formations for each.

Stage Fright - Tim Drake x Reader One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now