Chapter 2

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The next morning I was cold. I shiver and open my eyes. I scream. He was here. On my bed. Watching. Memories and flashbacks fill my head. " Bella it's ok. It's just me!" He tries. I scream again. "Daddy!" I cry pulling the cover over me. I frantically scoot away from him then the door is blown to sprinters. Daddy runs in. His eyes were frightening with anger. Caius wasn't far behind. Daddy slams edward against the wall. "I should kill you!" Daddy snarls. Venom dripped from his mouth. Daddy looked like an angry wolf. "Caius!" I sob. Caius shushes me and starts rocking me as I sob. "Aro get him out of here. Now!" Caius orders shaking. "Caius I'm scared!" I cry. I shook. "Shhh I know. I know. It's ok. He will not hurt you. I've got you." Caius soothes. I grip him tightly and nuzzle my face into his neck. "Caius!" I cry. Daddy looses it and throws edward through the wall. I scream frightened and Caius in swift move scoops me up and runs to his room. I sob into his chest as Caius gently lays me down. " Mi dispiace tanto mia regina. Va tutto bene va tutto bene. Tuo padre lo punirà. Promesso. (I'm so sorry my queen. Everything's fine. It is all right. Your father will punish him. I promise) " Caius whispers soothing. Slowly he manages to calm me down. "Daddy. Is he ok." I finally ask. Caius smiles. " Yes. He is fine." My love whisper. I nod and Kay my head in my mates lap. "Caius?" I whisper. Caius nods kissing my forehead. "Yes my queen?" He asks. "Please will you use your gift. Please?" I ask looking up at him. Caius smiles and nods. "Of corse my queen. Anything for you." Caius whispers. Caius cups his hands and blows into them. Using his gift of matter control he creates a crown of ice. I giggle watching and Caius smiles. Caius gently places the crown on my head. I smile and rest my head on his shoulder. "Caius?" I ask. "Yes my queen?" Caius asks. "Can we go for a walk later. Maybe you could shift for a while?" I ask looking up at him with hope. Caius smiles. "Of corse." He smiles. I smile and kiss his cheek. "Carry me?" I ask. Caius smile and responds by gently picking me up. He starts slowly walking to the thrown room. Daddy looks up. Edward was on his knees. Daddy looked. To say the least. Pissed. "Daddy." I whimper. I'm in daddys arms in a flash. He hugs me gently. And strokes my hair. "im dispiace tanto bambino. Stai bene. Ti ha fatto male(I'm so sorry for that baby. Are you OK. Did he hurt you) " Daddy whispers. "No daddy. He was just watching me. Like he used to." I whisper. Daddy nods and sits down in his throan. "You are very lucky Cullen. If you ever pull something like that again. I will personally let my daughter kill you." I hear a scoff then "Please. That baby couldn't kill anything." Then the blond headed birch is pinned to the wall by my mate. "What did you call my mate!" Caius growls shaking. Rose swallows and says "n-nothing..." Caius growls then throws her across the room. I whimper. Caius hears this and is by my side. "I'm sorry my queen. I did not mean to scare you." Caius says. I reach over to him and he takes me gently from daddy. I curl up in my mates lap. "Bella." Comes his voice. "You will not speak to her!" Caius yells. I gently place my hand on his cheek. "It's ok." I whisper. Edward smirks. "What?" I ask turning to him. "Why. I never meant to scare you. You must know that!" He says. "Why were you in my room. Daddy told you to stay away from me." I ask. "Bella. He's controlling you. Look what they've done to you!" Edward shouts. I wince. And Caius gently rubs my back. "Daddy had done nothing to me. The only thing my mate has done is comforted me. After you left." I say. " Your my mate. They've brain washed you! Aro isn't your father. You're human!" Edward shouts. " No. I'm half human." I say. Daddy smiles slightly. But there was pain in his smile. Even I could see that. "What!" Edward roars. "I'm half human. My mother was human. After my mother got pregnant with me. Daddy decided that he would tell everyone I was human. He thought it was safer. A half human half vamipire hybrid isn't exactly normal." I whisper slowly I stand up. "You smell my human sent. But if you have focused you would have smelled my vampire scent." I say. Edward frowns and slowly his eyes widen. I walk over to daddy and hug him. Tightly. "Don't come near me again." I whisper. Daddy rubs the back of my head and gives me a gentle squeeze. "Bells." Edward pitifully whispers. I turn and walk right into my mates waiting arms.

Aro's daughter: Isabella swanWhere stories live. Discover now