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Coming up those steps i could hear my heart beat ...it was beating soo fastt ..so scared to go talk to him ..i took my heels off and tip toed towards his gate and knocked .

The office of  this company was fully packed with excitement , rush , nervousness everything all together because today was the D day aka the presentation/ competition day for a grand scale opera, TURANDOT.

Back upstairs , i peek through a crack and spoted jake in a dark hoodied figure seated at his desk where he fastidiously sharpens a pencil using a boxcutter. Still i again knocked on the door and said "excuse me,  its a presentation for a huge competitive project  you should at least go to the last rehearsal ". The sharpening of pencil stops and i feel like my heart just stoped right now but after a second jake is back on with his pencils , "huh..no reply..what does he think of himself" with that i wear my heels again and was heading back to the office downstairs but the doors finally opened * oh god what if he actually heard it .what will he do now with me ..will he be angry with me...no i will still take my stand tell him that i was doing my duty and he should not treat me like this he should have replied * but all i could say was i m sorry * god he is so scary what if he is a serial killer or something more dangerous ..i woudnt be suprised if someone says that he is a killer ..his appearance is also very dark , always  in black hoddie hidding his face, never saying much... actually not saying at all .who knows what is the truth * while all this was going in my mind he just walked besides me and left .

Back at the office the co- CEO adam is here and  one of the colleague hands him the final presentation deck and tells him thats the competitor hired a performances planner as their executive.
Everyone is back at this and are trying hard to get this.. " well they should try hard because they are up against us" adam as always knows what to say and what to do at the right time .
The presentation starts and adam confidently presents brain's PR rollout plan for Turandot - the largest scale opera production to date-in front of his entire team for one last rehearsal.
In three days they need to generate an audience of 160,000 which they will achive through Tv ads, web banners, email, texts and celebrity endorsements, another idea is to partner with cafes and create limited edition opera themed menus, their main strategy will dispel the preconcevied notion that operas are boring and unberable.
With all that and few more ideas the resentation ends and the room erupts into cheers for their beloved co-ceo , but in the very back only  jake does nothing and stays like this for a while and then shakes his head and beckons him over .
Later adam waits for his turn to present while rival agency YM marketing pitches their plan , and they find out that YM's plan is almost the same as their company's .
When his turns comes he shocks everyone as he gets on the stage and tears the presentation deck apart then he says " will a five dollar cup of coffee convince someone to buy a two hundred dollar opera ticket.? " the ans was obvious and he continues saying that the world can't change , so there's no use trying.
" save money for somone who's seen opera before ..forget thoes lofty strategies ..only 20% of their marketing budget will suffice and only focus on people who already love opera."
And he goes on and on and impresses everyone...and in no time they have the deal and everyone cheers for him but he only looks at jake who leaves the hall soon after .
But as he leaves someone asks what about the ceo who lives above the office we have heard so many rumors are they true .?
And everyone starts talking about him... he is a ghost not a human being , u should never look at him in the eyes..if your eyes meet your heart will freeze , and he'll see right through you.
Not many people have actually seen him , even including his employees, he is the ceo but he hides himself like a ghost, there are all kinds of rumors about why he stays hidden some believe he has a horrible scar on his face..just like the phantom of the opera.
but the reality is not as tragic or beautiful as the musical.
Thanks to his father, he took over the best PR agency in the country, and luckily he had a very clever friend..while the unlucky guy slaves away..the lucky one counts his money in his cozy room .

One hour before the presentation
" what do you want to say jake.? Why you don't want to use top celebrities , social media page , special menu and everything what i just did in the rehearsal ...if you don't like it then what should we do ..what do u want us to do..?
Jake Do even want to promot this opera or not..? "
"Dont aim to high .adam .i know you just wanna show off  but the stability of this company is very important for everyone and also the employees already have a lot of project's " jake back with his pencils again .
" What have you been doing if you care about them so much ? Huh? You're dismissing you employees hard work ..the presentation is only an hour away ..what do you want jake ? "
"We can't change the world adam and we don't need to ...with a hopeless dream to Change the public's perjudice against operas ..its a better idea to spend money on the people who have watched opera before ...opera lovers will want to watch it even without any promotions..its the biggest opera in history ."


April is sitting in a sparkly dress and mask... her act is just about to start and in the audience is jake at the very back in his black hoodie watching her show ...after the show he tries to go inside the dressing room to give april a bouquet but an actor interrupts him and everyone shifts the attention to him and he gets nervous and runs outside without doing anything or saying anything just leaves...
While jake is disappointed by his fail attempt... april wonders why her MR.SMITH didn't come today but she got interrupted by her friend saying that MR SMITH is just a perverted stalker who gives her flowers anonymously but just then a delivery guys comes in with a bouquet and gives it to April ..april friend continues ...you know this is really suspicious ..i don't understand you just have a bit of a part in the show and still you get a bouquet every time you perform.
April on the other hand doesn't listen to a single word and says i dont care how suspicious it is ...this will be the last gift from him as i will be quitting and will be getting a proper job..but i wish i could tell him that..or at least meet him and know who is he .

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