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I lay in my bed as my alarm clock goes off saying 6:34 I slam my hand on the clock making it fall off the nightstand I whine as I roll out of bed I walk over to my dresser getting out undergarments and a towel I walk to the bathroom turning on the shower waiting for it to get hot *skip shower* I get out the shower wrapping a towel around my body and walk to my room rubbing on some lotion and looking in my closet for something to wear I come across a outfit *above* and I put it on simply applying some lipgloss and a light nude eyeshadow to wear I grabbed my bookbag and headed outside and walked to my car I pulled out and drove to school I got in the parking space and turned the car off getting out as I got out jahseh and his friends came behind me saying wassup the usual and I picked up my pace and walked faster obviously they walked faster also when I finally got to my locker and opened it jahseh pushed it back locking it again I stepped on his foot causing

him to howl in pain and I unlocked my locker again I pulled out my things I needed for class and went on as I got in I dropped my textbook and I went to pick it up jahseh picked it up and I told him it wasn't mines he said along the lines of "this textbook belongs to you babe" and I just rolled my eyes and went on to stud- *ring ring ring* the bell went off and I got up and went to lunch as I was going something grabbed me and pushed me in the closet it was...


Hello and welcomes to my new book textbook it's gonna be about 30 chapters and I promise that this time so let me know if when I'm done y'all want a sequel to this hugs and kisses 😘 *poof*

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