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-Caroline's POV-

I couldn't understand why Damon wasn't preventing the bleeding "DAMON STOP HIM FROM BLEEDING, HE'LL DIE!!!" I screamed at him, I sped to him, but Klaus prevented me from getting to him

"GET OFF ME!!!" I struggled with Klaus's grip "GET OFF ME, HE'LL DIE KLAUS!!!" he looked at me no remorse in his eyes "if you let him die Klaus; I will never, ever forgive you!!" he let go of me as I ran to Stefan.

"Damon ring an ambulance" Damon got up and rang an ambulance "Stefan you'll be okay" I smiled at him "Caroline just know that I will always love you" he looked at me "don't say that" he couldn't die; I wouldn't be able to get over this.

I held his hand until, we he left to go into emergency surgery. I stood there numb and not knowing what to think, only that he had to get better.

I sat on the couch in the waiting room, hour after hour passed before I was told anything. A doctor comes up to me and sits in the armchair beside the couch "Stefan will be in surgery again tomorrow" he looks at me "how bad is it?" I just about got the words out as my voice cracked

"because of the extent of the wound, Mr. Salvatore would have to be in recovery for at least two to three months" I nodded at the doctor, as he got up to leave he looked at me again "don't worry too much, he should make a full recovery" I nodded at him, before standing up.

I looked into his eyes, compelling me to tell me everything "what's the extent of the damage doctor" I asked him "he's lucky to be alive and there's a high chance he could still die, his body is shutting down rapidly and we can't stop it with our medication here" he then left to go back to see other patients, I see a glimpse of a trolley being rolled into the ward.

I walk towards the ward hoping to see Stefan, It wasn't Stefan. I see Stefan in the corner of the room, attached to loads of machines.

He looked like a dead body just about holding to life. This was it; this was going to be my life.

Loving someone who is attached to these machines, because they shouldn't be alive this long; I couldn't not have him in my life. 

Will Stefan make another recovery???
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