chapter 1 ( fuck face )

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They always told me,"He's gonna break you"
But your gonna love him.

I promised myself that wasn't going to be one of those girls who falls jaxon daniels the so called bad boy. Who breaks girls hearts for fun.

But promises are meant  to be broken.


Ok so everyone is been fussing how Jaxon dump Clair shores in front of everyone right after they had sex in the janitor closet.

Well how do I know this well my best friend Lexie won't stop talking about it.

"Hello earth to Elena are you listening" Lexie said.

"Yes I'm but what's new about that  doesn't he do that to every single girl with Virginia".

"Yeah but hello its barely the first day of school and he  dump somone".

"Well let's talk about something else then jaxon like how first day in hell is going to be". I say with groan

"Ugh good thing  we got are lockers right next to eachother" she while opening her locker.

"What do you  have first" I say

"Ugh kill me now I have maths". She says while hitting her head softly against the locker.

I chuckled "well I have science" I say with a smile.

"Lucky bitch" she said with a said frown

ring ring

I groan "well thats  the bell see you later" I say.

"Bye boo" she said while walking to her class.

I sigh let's see how this day go's as I turn around I reck  into a hard body and fall on my ass well how embarrassing.

"Watch were your going" jaxon says in a bored tone.

Wow out of  all people it had to be this fuck face.

"Well mabye you need to get your eyes check because you clearly didnt see me" I say in angry tone still sitting on the floor.

He chuckled coldly

He bend down now we are completely face to face "listen here sweetheart I do what I want when I want and I'm sure has  hell not going to let some little girl tell what to do" He said smirking

My blood was boling ugh he makes me  so mad.

"Well listen here little boy I say what I  want when I want and I'm not going to let some fuck face tell me  what to do". I say

I got up and bolted to my class lucky I wasn't late to class I walked in took seat in the very back.

The rest of the classes went bye fast.

I didn't run into fuck face aka, jaxon

Well now I'm walking to  lunch Lexie said she will be waiting for me at a table.

I walked in to lunch and spotted Lexie sitting at with a girl walk over Lexie her  eyes landed on me

She bolted up and hugged me "I fucking missed you so much".

"Me to" I say as chuckle.

"Meet katie I met  her in maths" Lexie says with a smile

"Hi I'm  Elena nice to meet you". I say

"Katie nice to meet you to".she says giving the widest smile ever.I sat down next to Lexie we talked for awhile then..

You will never believe what happend next

From behind me I hear someone say.

"Hi sweetheart dont think I  forgot what  happened earlier" he says with smirk


Hope you enjoyed plz comment if you want me to   countine !!!!!

Bye my little….Um I don't um. Well this awkarwd…..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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