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Spencers point of view

When we all arived at shorty's it was empty so I assumed it was closed. It was about 12 o'clock and I was starving They never really had food in the group home and when they did there was never enough for everybody. I was always the one to not get any food. I hadn't eaten in like 3 days which probably wasn't good but I cant help that. Hopefully now that im with Nichole and waverly ill eat more.
"So what do you want honey." Waverly said handing me a menu.
" um may I please have a sandwich."
" yeah you sure you don't want anything else?" Waverly said " you know you don't have to save money."
" no im fine I don't want to waist anything"
" well when your done if you want anything else just ask okay?" Waverly said " what do you want to drink?"
" water is fine please."
" okay you sure, we have soda." Waverly said
" yeah im sure I cant have soda. Too many bad memories."
" oh okay" waverly said " I didn't know I wouldn't have brought it up" waverly said a little scared
" oh no, im sorry, I just, ummm how could you have known. Im sorry" I manage to say what i wanted to but in more words needed. Ni hole had left to fetch the food I asked for. Waverly put her hand up to atop me from mumbling but I didn't know what she was doing so I flinched. I put my hands in front of my face and ducked. I don't know why I did it I don't think she would ever hit me at least I hope not. But when she put her hand up it just brought back aorta many memories and it was and instinct.
" oh my gosh im so sorry I wasn't gonna hit you but I get why you did that im sorry I didn't mean to I just..."
" its fine I just don't have very bad memories of bars and when you put your hand up it was just a reflex im sorry I didn't mean to flinch."
" I would never hit you spencer I hope you know that."
"Im sorry I just don't have very good memories with adults."
" I understand."
Nichole walked back in the room and all the sudden it was getting hard to breath Waverlt noticed me having trouble and she asked me what was wrong in a hushed tone so Nichole couldn't here.
" I cant breath." I said I no a gushed tone.
" do you need to go outside to get some air. " Waverly asked with conserne in her voice.
" um yeah im just having a panick attack." I said a little out of breath.
" okay do you want me to come with you?"
" you don't have to. Ill be fine."
I went outside and I was breathing really heavy. I couldnt stop thinking about the time my father took me to the bar and got totally drunk. He beat me until I had to go to the hospital. Thats how I met Nichole.
while i was outside this guy came up to me and asked me if i was okay. he was tall and had baggy close on he didnt look very appeaing. if i had to describe him in one word i would say scary. he kept asking me if i was okay but i didnt answer him . my mom told me not to talk to strangers and he was definatly a stranger. i went toturn to go back in the bar because i didnt feel safe at allbut right as i went to turn he grabbed my wrist.
" hey let go of me that hurts"
" no your coming with me"
i didnt know what tothink alll i could think of was my dad. what was this man going to do to me. he startedpulling me away from the bar but all of the sudden the door flew open and before i knew it nichole had the guy down on the ground and wavely was holding me in her arms. i couldnt do anything or say anything. i didnt know wat to think. what had just happened. all i could do was stand therehelpless in waverlys arms. i held onto her so tight for some reason i felt safe inher arms. was shaking eratically and i couldnt controll it.
" spencer are you okay" nichole shouted from top of the ma who was now in handcuffs. 'when did that happen?' i thought to myself. then i realized i was being asked a question and ad i was holding on tightly to waverly's waist.
" im sorry im uh..."
for somereason oi couldnt form the words. why arent i able to speak. i tried again.
" im fi..uh...."
she didnt say anything she culd tell i was to petrified to think about forming coherant sentences. shegot off of the guys back and pushed him against the wall. waverly pulled me closer to her into another hug. she knew i was to scared to speak and she knew what i was trying to say. i couldnt believe what just happened it reminded me of my dad and that was now all i could think about. then i heard the sirens which made me even more scared waverly fet me tence up in her arms and she pulled me a little closer then she previously had.theolice showed up and nichole handed the man off to them. She explained what happened and then started heading twords me and waverly. se took both me and waverly into her arms and she felt me pull away at the sudden contact. but right as I pulled awayilent rigt back into waverly. was this really my life now. would they really protect me, do i still have to worry about being hit or put down all the time. were they really going to protect me. ' its to good to be true.' i thought to myself. i pushed away from waverly and nicholes hu and started to run. i didnt know whri was going or where i would end up. or even if theywould stillwant me after this i just had to get away. i cant handle this i have never had this before.
" spencer wait dont run please" nichole said with a ter rolling down her face.
' great now shes sad i hurt every one i meet.wy am i even alive' i thought to myself.
" spencer please come back." i heard waverly say in the distance.
' why do they care about me so much im nothing. i dont deserve to be alive. at least thats what everybody tells me.' i thought
i wasnt paying atenttion and i ran across the street. all of the sudden this car comes out of nowhere. and all i remembe was some lady screaming at me to move from the sidewalk. then i heard waverly and nichole screaming at me to move. Then everything was black.

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