Chapter 8

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   (I hope you'll enjoy a very sad chapter. Sorry)!

   Olivia's POV:

   When we got home, Meredith and Mom sat me down on the couch. Mom was too distraught to say anything. So Meredith went. "O-Olivia. Dad and Dion got into a car crash a few hours ago. They were on their way to see you perform. Dad died instantly. Dion is on life support. They don't know whether he'll survive." Meredith sobbed. I sat there for a few minutes taking it all in. "W-What." I said. "I'm so sorry." Meredith cried. I started sobbing. "NO!!! WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN???!!!" I screamed while sobbing. "Olivia." Meredith cried hugging me. I was too distraught to be surprised by Meredith hugging me. "WHERE'S DION???!!!" I screamed. "In the hospital." Mom sobbed. "CAN WE PLEASE GO???!!! PLEASE!!!" I screamed. Mom nodded. We walked to the hospital since it was a mile away. "We're here to see Dion Reed." Mom said crying out. "I'm sorry you can't see him now." The lady at the desk said. "Why?" I sobbed. "He's in the middle of surgery right now. But the doctor will come and tell you when you can see him." She said. I nodded and we sat in the waiting room. I was still sobbing. "Dion Reed?" Someone said. It was the doctor. "Yes?" Mom said standing up. "We did surgery on him for the eternal bleeding in him. He broke alot of ribs during the car accident. He injured his head pretty badly. His liver burst which explains the eternal bleeding. Right now he's on life support." The doctor explained. "Is he in pain?" I asked. "No." The doctor said. "Can we go see him?" Meredith asked. The doctor nodded guiding us to his room.

   Meredith's POV:

   We went into the room. Dion was attached to all the machines. That was so painful to see. Olivia started sobbing even more. She went towards him. She sat at the chair next to his bed. "Dion I'm so sorry! You didn't have to drive to see me." Olivia sobbed. I am so hurt to see Olivia like this. "It's not your fault." I said. "Yes it is!" Olivia sobbed.

   *1 Day Later*

   Olivia's POV:

   Dion was getting taken off of life support today. Mom didn't want him to suffer anymore after a few hours. I was so miserable in class. "Olivia are you ok?" My teacher asked since I was crying in class. "It's nothing." I said. "Come talk to me." The teacher said. We went outside. My classmates looked guilty. Including Marcus. "What's wrong Olivia?" My teacher asked. "M-My brother and my d-dad got into a car c-crash. My dad died. My brother is being taken off life s-support today." I stuttered while crying. "Oh my God Olivia! I'm so sorry!" My teacher said hugging me. I cried into his shoulder. "Are you ready to go inside?" My teacher asked. I nodded. "Olivia what happened?" Someone whispered to me. "It's a personal issue." I replied. They nodded and continued working. I couldn't work or anything. Finally, it was time for dismissal. Meredith waited for me outside the school. I was expecting Dion to walk me outside after dismissal. But no. "Are you ok?" Meredith asked. I shook my head. "I know it's hard." Meredith said rubbing my shoulder. As soon as Mom picked us up, we went to the hospital. I sat next to his bed as we were getting ready. Soon enough, the doctor came in. "Want me to give you a few minutes?" He asked. "Olivia? Do you want a few minutes?" Mom asked. I nodded. Mom and Meredith got up and left. I started crying even more. "I love you so much Dion. I'll miss you more than ever. Please tell Dad I'll miss him too. Tell him I love him. Until we meet again, it's farewell." I said crying. I put my head on Dion's chest. I wish this was all just a nightmare! That Dad isn't dead, Dion's not on life support, and none of this is happening. Soon enough, the doctor, Mom, and Meredith came in. "Are you ready?" The doctor asked. I nodded sniffling. I got up and let the doctor do his job. I stood next to Mom and Meredith at the foot of the hospital bed. He unhooked all of the machines. Soon enough, all beeping stopped. Dion was dead. The doctor looked sad. I started crying even more. I looked up. Mom didn't cry. She didn't react. She just stood there.

   (I hope you enjoyed this sad chapter. Poor Olivia. She took it way too hard). 




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