After brushing her hair of all knots she hurried to the kitchen and made herself some toast. Quickly she rushed from the house, eating the toast as she hurried to the usual path she took. Without a car she had to leave early walk to Beach City before sprinting to the Big Donut. Her breaths labored as she reached the Big Donut.

Hurriedly looking around she forced herself to calm down, trying to get her breathing normal ,"Looks like I'm on time."

With gasp like breaths she pulled out the key the owner had given her for the morning shift and entered. She pocketed the key as she looked around to do see who was already checked in like herself for the early morning shift. Sadie removed her coat and headed to the back, quickly moving to the employee changing room. The need for sleep caused her to put on her shirt slower then normal and made her usual quick paced trot back behind the counter into a slow walk. As Sadie sat down someone across Beach City was waking up.


On the other side of Beach City there was a rather simple colonial house. That interior of the home was clean and tidy as one could manage when neither of the inhabitants were much for cleaning. There was two overly large bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study, two spare bedrooms, a kitchen, dining room, and a living room. Living in the house was a businessman, who was always busy with work, and his son. On the second floor was a room at the end of the hall and it belonged to that son, Lars.

The room itself was rather clean except for a few stray clothes. A few rock band posters covered the plain, white painted walls and he had only one picture hanging up; one of his mother holding him (at age 3) grinning from a game they had just played. That was the only picture he had hanging or anywhere in his room really. It wasn't that he didn't have any, he just didn't like seeing any other ones. Too many had his mom in them after she had started her 'treatment'.


"Ugh...noooooo", Lars groaned to himself as he buried his face further into his pillow.


"God! SHUT UP", he screamed into his pillow as he curled up under the blanket further.


"OKAY! FINE!! I'M UP! GEEEEZZ", Lars bolted up from his fetal position and threw his blanket aside as he got out of bed.

Slamming his hand onto the clock as he moved to the bathroom was much more difficult then Lars had thought. It always seemed harder when he was half asleep. A growl passes Lars lips as he tries to get the alarm to shut off but his patience was quickly wearing thin. With a small shout Lars shoved the clock off the bed side table before continuing to the bathroom. The soft and continuous beeping reminding him that his father had bought him a special one that would be hard to break. Lars groaned inwardly and cursed himself for breaking this quieter ones that were so easy for him to break.

"Why the heck is my alarm even on? It's only Sun-", just as Lars said that he noticed the calendar that he kept on the bathroom door.

"OH GOD IT'S MONDAY?! REALLY?! SADIE IS GOING TO KILL ME IF THE BOSS DOESN'T", an exasperated groan escapes him as he hurries to freshen up.

When he was done he hurries to his room and pulls on his tight gray jeans, wife beater, beige short sleeve shirt, and his old, no-longer-white sneakers. Lars grabs his coat and pulls it on quickly before almost tripping as he rushed out the door. Moving as fast as he could he hurries down to the bus stops.

Lars also didn't have a car and often took a bus, the only bus they had in their stupid town, to get close to the Big Donut. As usual he sat in the back with his foot tapping quickly, knowing he had to keep that job! If he didn't keep it then his father was going to give him some job working as an assistant in his office building. The second the bus stops Lars pushes past whatever woman or man had been standing up and hurries to the Big Donut.

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