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The sunlight shinned on Reba's face awaking her. She looked at her clock and it read '7:30 a.m' she groaned and got out of bed. She was brushing her hair when she remembered the kiss.

'Oh no. I have to see Carolyn today. What if its awkward? What will happen.'

Reba's thoughts were going 30 mph when she heard a knock on her door. She snapped out of her thoughts and went to the door. She opened the door
"Carolyn! Uh what are you doing here? Its your day off." Reba said shocked.

"I came over and was wondering if we could, or just hang out." Carolyn told her.

"Uh..yeah sure. Cone on in." Reba went to the couch and sat while motioning her to sit. Carolyn sat awkwardly.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Reba asked.

"Well..errm...I wanted to talk about the, the kiss. If that's alright with you." Carolyn said nervously. She didn't know how Reba would react.

"Carolyn there's nothing to talk about. It was a dare, I had no choice." She stopped. "I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to come out that way."

"Oh no, its fine. I think I should go." Carolyn said while walking to the door. Reba stopped her.

"Carolyn, please. I don't what our work and friend relationship to be awkward because of that kiss."

"Don't worry. If you need anything just give me a call." With that carolyn left.

"Oh lord what have I done." Reba said out loud.
Later that night Carolyn was sitting on the couch in her room drinking wine when a commercial of Reba with Ronnie and Kix came on. She looked at the t.v and then shut it off. She couldn't get the kiss off her mind.

'What if I call reba and ask her one more time to talk about it.'

Carolyn bit her lip looking at the phone and shook her head.

"No carolyn that'll probably just piss her off because after all she didn't want to talk about it." She said out loud to herself. Just then the phone rang.

"Hello," she answered. It was the beautiful red head she had been just thinking about. "Reba? What's up?"

"Carolyn I've made up my mind I think it'd be best if we talked about the whole kiss thing, because it's driving me crazy."

"Oh ok. Where do you want to talk at?"

"How about...your place?" Reba suggested.

"Here? Um ok."

"Okay I'll be there in 5." With that she hung up and got ready.

Carolyn hurried and got off the couch and cleaned a little and put on her sweat pants and a tank top. When she heard the door she finished slipping into the clothes and opened the door.

There stood Reba with a bottle of wine. She walked in and went to the couch but stood.

"I brought this, but it looks like you already had some." Reba giggled.

"Yeah. Maybe just a little," both women giggled. They both sat down and looked awkwardly at each other.

"Can I get you anything?" Carolyn asked distributing the silent awkwardness.

"Uh, do you have another wine glass?"
Carolyn shook her head yes and got up to go get one. She cane Ba k and pored Reba a glass and refilled her's.

"So?" Carolyn asked.

"So about the kiss. I want to be honest with you Reba. But I'm taking a long shot and might loose my job over this and everything." Carolyn said rambling.

"Carolyn, spit it out." Reba told her with a smile on her face.

"Ok ok. Well I kind of...have a um a crush on you. I didn't want to tell you because I knew it would mess everything up and I didn't want that to happen. But when we kissed, I felt something. I don't know if it was just me hopefully not but yeah." Carolyn breathed out nervously waiting for Reba to respond.

"Oh Carolyn I knew that you did. I just thought it'd be awkward to bring it up. But how could I not notice? They way I'd look around and then see the way you looked at me." She said giggling and smiling while getting closer to Carolyn.

"You knew? I'm sorry Reba I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything."

"You didn't. I kinda liked it." Reba said smiling.

"Really?" Carolyn giggled. "Okay well let me ask you something. Did you feel anything when we kissed?"

"I, I did. And after the kiss all I can do is think about you. I know its wrong but I, I like you." Reba confessed while looking into her wine glass realizing it was empty. She reflilled. When she turned back Carolyn took their glasses and put them down and looked back at Reba. She leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back. After a few minutes they broke away breathless.

"Oh tell me Im going to get used to that.?" Reba laughed. After that they talked for a while. Finally they both fell asleep on the couch together.
Hey guys/gals. I hope you enjoyed that chapter. Tell me what you guys think and leave some suggestions on what should happen next. Thank you. Kudos.

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