Spider-man at a funeral?

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Once Annabelle was able to pull herself together and keep her composure for the most part, she made her way up the green grass to where her grandfather would be buried. Most of the individuals that attended the funeral Annabelle didn't recognize. Many were men that worked with her grandfather in the marines, and old family members that she hadn't seen since she was a young child.

Annabelle did not end up doing her grandfather's eulogy. She feared she would just breakdown. Tony kept his hand at the small of her back, every time she leaned forward. He was being as supportive as he could be in this moment and she didn't fault him for it. During the service, the young Stark would let her eyes wander amongst the crowd. It wasn't until her eyes fell on a face she recognized but she couldn't put a finger on why he looked familiar. He was young, much more youthful that than anyone else that was sitting amongst her grandfathers friends and family members. Who was he?

Her eyes came to a close to trace back where she could have possibly met or seen this guy. A tear quickly followed with the drop of her eyelashes. She didn't know him from school, he was much younger than she was. He wasn't a distant cousin....
Hues fluttering back open, she turned her neck to see her father looking the boy's direction too but he didn't look the least bit pleased. "Spider-Man," she whispered to herself, which caused her father's eyes to widen back her direction. He was there the night her grandfather was attacked--he tried to save him.

"That concludes the service. Robert's family thanks you for paying your respects." The moment she heard the Eulogist speak those words, Annabelle shot up from her chair, and began pacing toward the masked hero's direction. "Belle." Tony said, his voice almost stern, his body shooting up as well. He knew what she was doing and he was trying to avoid it.

Spider-Man locked eyes with Annabelle, looking a little uneasy. For being a masked hero he spooked easily. "Hey!" She said, catching the attention of other people around him. Tony hadn't even had the opportunity to bolt that direction.

"Annabelle, hi," the high schooler spoke softly.
"Who are you?" Annabelle quickly retorted. His mouth dropped, hesitation across his features, even more so when his eyesight averted over the brunettes shoulder.

"Kid," the older Stark appeared at Annabelle's side. His chin lifted, as it always did when he was in deep thought. His right hand fiddled with his tie again. Annabelle shot her father a glare, and she noticed his slight glance at the corner of his eye. "Annabelle, this is Peter Parker."

"The kid in your shop?"
"Kid?" Peter's voice nearly cracked, his eyes switching back and forth between the two Starks.
"You..., you were there. The night all this happened? The Vulture..." her voice faded, her eyes purely focused on Peter. He was so timid for a super hero.
"I... I mean. I was. I followed him into the house but he---I---"

"Thank you." Annabelle interrupted him, but her voice was soft. Peter's eyebrows lifted in surprise, his gaze still shifting to Tony's as if looking for approval in everything he said.
"You tried to save my grandfather. Not even knowing he had any connection to me---or my father." A smile pulled at the corner of her lips, but it felt rather difficult. Her eyes were still watering from crying.

Peter carried himself well for a high schooler, and seemed remotely more mature than most teenagers his age. It didn't seem he carried much confidence when he spoke, and almost focused on Tony like he was... his father. Always seeking that approval. It was possibly Tony was even more fatherly to him that he ever was to her. The thought made her jealous, but Belle dodged it.

Peter was unable to say anything else as Annabelle turned on a heel to retreat back to the limo. There was no other conversations she wanted to have, no awkward condolences that needed to be given. She wanted to be home.

                           - - - - - - - - - - -
"I'm sorry, Mr.Stark... I just thought it was right for me to be here-- and-- and"

"Well you thought wrong," Tony lifted his hand, his index finger sticking Peter in the chest. "Annabelle doesn't need anymore distractions--she does not need some fantasy of some vigilante kid helping her find the man who murdered her grandfather."

"What?... Mr.Stark, I wasn't.. I wouldn't... I just wanna help."
"I've seen her search history lately. Her desperate attempts to find the Vulture. She's looking for the next piece of the puzzle, and you're it." Peter's eyes widened in surprise and almost flattery, which Tony wanted to shut down instantly. "Hey. This is not an ego boost nor an invitation. If she contacts you---you call me or Happy, ya got it?"

Hands grabbing each opening of his suit, he tugged gently at it, his feet slowly turning to follow his daughter. "If you hesitate-- and she is put in danger..." Tony pressed his lips together at the thought of it. " I. will. end. you."

The sentence sounded so sinister as he turned away. Peter didn't utter another word, didn't try to do his quick speaking 'Mr.Stark,' pleads. Unfortunately Stark wasn't sure he could trust the kid, and knew that he had been persistent on leaving Hogan messages about his "next mission." Annabelle was the perfect opportunity for the rebellious super hero teenager.  He knew what his daughter was after, whether she was aware or not, but he wasn't going to lose her because of this. Not again.

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