The magic broom

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At this time the Erath was at war the moster  strated to attack .there was many attack my grandpa was wizard  he was know to all of the north .he allways tell me stroy adout drangons.and that's how I became  a friend with a drangon. 

wow can i ever be frineds with a dangon! .like that grandpa  some day you will we you get older.

Some day you will be a great wizard like me .

All this time I keep believe  in my grandpa and now I am a wizarder of AZ a level kazz wizarder .

I was now ready to go to a migic school for wizard  ,nights and witchs and lots more.I was just starting magic  school .All this time I knew I was ready.My grandpa show me a litte about  magic and I was ready

KIBY! Yes Come for breakfast 

I comeing .o kiby you look  like  your  grandpa . In his magic robe
Yea really I am just  try my magic on it look


Wow !you see I change in to my school clothes .

Good one kiby .quick come eat

Allrigth !

It was pan cake my favorite . GOOD pancake i like this,you said that even day kiby ,but it's ture,I no come on kiby go to school none are you are go to be late no your frist day . I love your pancake. . Go to school kiby.allrigth make sure you finish  your  pancakes .I am going  none see you lily.

AS i open  the door there was cat on my mat.

Hi mrak . Hi you  can't  see that a cat is try to sleeping here .

DiD that cat just talk !maw maw maw

I thick I don't  what to thick adout it at all I'll   go to school.

So the kid don't none  i can talk I guest lily  didn't  tell him the cat said .jusst  great .

The walk  was long I wish there was a easy way of get there . Hi! stop are you go to logo are you .a a a I guest so do I no you. yes just none my name is Anna .

Yea and my name kiby nice to meet you.robbing his head let's go . O I for got something  can you stall still there don't move .allrigth .

anna are you comeing Yea I got it . What you went back there for broom.

Hey what's wrong?that girl I took her broom and I fly away with it noneShe looks very angry  . What am I to do. Say you're sorry and then run away as fast as can. Really. That's advice. Do you want it. I'll take it .

As he slowly walk up to her. Where's my broom. The she said looking as angry as could be. I'm sorry for flying always please forgive me. There's only one way I can for give you is if you be my best friend for the rest of the year. What! Are you crazy I don't even really know you. What she said with a angrier face then before. I'm going to smack you very hard. What I am sorry please forgive me again I'll be your best friend please just do not smack me please. Alright they. You forgive me. Yes so Kirby aren't you going to show me best your frined. Oh I forgot to show you my friend ash. How long did you know him Anna said in a funny face.

Just not too long ago he was at the broom Park. So I knew you before. yes. She started to dance and jump yes I knew  him first. What's wrong with her said ash. Whispering in his ears. She's crazy. That's just great. Let's run. everybody will think we are crazy because we're her friends. This makes it run for it alright then to the class let's go. do not answer just run. Wait on me. she said do not look back run look back said kiby run in past the gate. Let's hide in here . Do you think she is going to find us not away ash he said with a smile on his face.they were hideing in so bush in the prak .It look like  the is go to ture out bad.I thick so too.

Hi johny were the sword it's in the bag time kill that rusk moster baby drangon what are you here he go to kill a drangon.I find out were's .that drangons he taking adout.Are you go to help me yes are no he said hole his shirt  is saved  you.So you have to help me.there you two are hide no just have a talk run .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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