the plan

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Okay so my handsome boyfriend JayNorton dared me to do this so yeah I'm writing it so I hope you love it, my mandaloian knight in shining armor

Faye was repairing an A-wing and sabine walked up holding hands with Ezra "hey Faye" they said in unison so she went to see them and hit her head "ow!" then Jay ran up fan girling so Faye smiled then she got up and stood next to him. Ezra and sabine smiled "what?" Faye asked still smiling "nothing you two are just adorable" Sabine replied and the two turned bright red and started shaking nervously "A-a i have an A-wing to fix"Faye stuttered "um a I'm gonna be in a vent if you need me" Ezra and sabine smiled an before Jay and Faye could move away from eachother Ezra pushed Jay into Faye the two turned bright red and Faye had trouble standing from how nervous she was. Jay ran to a vent and Faye got back under the A-wing. Ezra and Sabine ran to the briefing hall and burst in "FAYE AND JAY LOVE EACHOTHER!!!!!!!" The two yelled the room was silent before everyone started fan girling then bail organa hushed everyone "we to get them together" "the closet!!!!!" Hera yelled out and the whole base looked at her "what?!" "We lock them in the closet" "it's been done before" Sabine thought for a moment "we lock them in the cockpit of the A-wing Faye's working on" "ok" Ezra and Sabine ran to the A-wing. Ezra ran up with Jay after he fell from the vent "hey Jay can you come with me?" "Um sure but can i ask why?" "Come on!" Ezra yelled as he pulled Jay to the A-wing.


"um hey can I help you out?" Sabine asked "a sure" Sabine walked to the cockpit of the A-wing "the counsel is all messed up" Faye gets out from under the ship "let me see...." she got in just as Ezra ran up with Jay and used the force to lift him up "Ezra put me down!" "As you wish" Ezra dropped him in the A-wing then lock him in with Faye "um hi" "a hey" they said looking in eachothers eyes their faces just an inch apart from the others then Kallus ran up and yelled "just kiss already!" Jay smirked and pressed his lips into Faye's who returned it passionately "i love you Jay, my handsome mandaloian knight in shining armor" "and i love you Faye, my gorgeous Angel from another star system"

So there it is that's my first chapter for this book i hope you like it and Jay i truly love you❤

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