Mary was only 19 when she meet my dad and he was 24 which I was 6 at the time, as we talked we became serious and started to talk about the last 6 years of being apart she told me she remarried and had a small wedding on Long Island

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Mary was only 19 when she meet my dad and he was 24 which I was 6 at the time, as we talked we became serious and started to talk about the last 6 years of being apart she told me she remarried and had a small wedding on Long Island.
She was finally happy and moved on with her life, "I came here to ask you, if you would be willing to fathers house" she looked at me very confused and said "to who?" I said "I'd like to buy it from you." It was so nice to see Mary, don't get me wrong, but I was determined to get what was mine that my father left behind even if he gave it to Mary.
She stood up and asked "Oh i don't..." she sighed "if I had my way know how much this house means to me..?" I interrupted her and said "are you kidding me, what it means to you? What about what it means to me, this is a house that my father and I picked out and planned to both live here!" She said "Vanessa.." I cried out "please, I'm willing to pay you, please don't do this to me" I cried out "this was our house" I cried as slowly tears came down my eyes "I don't want to lose this piece we made together"

" I cried out "please, I'm willing to pay you, please don't do this to me" I cried out "this was our house" I cried as slowly tears came down my eyes "I don't want to lose this piece we made together"

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She made her way into the kitchen and guided me and asked "follow me please, Vanessa" I did with no hesitation. my heels made loud noises because i was in heels i've been away for so long i forgot that my father had wooded floors in just about every room.
I noticed she really didn't move around anything in the house she kept it the same even when he left us.

At this point i was so angry and i didn't want to be around her anymore, but she led me to my fathers old bedroom it was yellow and the curtains were a burgundy red shade for his favorite color was that shade, his pictures were all still there all in the same place he'd left them.

it was quiet depressing not hearing him scream my name because i was standing in the doorway too long to not come sit on his bed and get comfy and watch some tv with him and our (his) cats.

i got comfortable and took my jacket off and set it on his bed, "what is it you want to show me Mary?" she smiled back and headed into the closet it wasn't too big because he had more bigger closets around the house but it was weird because all of my fathers and mines important documentaries were in this closet and i just only took mine, too soon and too hurt to keep his

"i recently got the courage and the strength to finally read what your father has left behind" i walked up to her and in defense mode said "that is private documents, you cant just go through anything you want because..." i imitated her and said "you were ready!!" she put her head down and said "i know" she calmly said "but there is something that you need to see for my eyes that is not for me but for your eyes only" i got scared and my eyes widened "ok what is it?" she slightly pulled out a box and gently went through the box that had writing on it that read 'Stuff for Vanessa' and made her way to find pieces of paper and a little bit shaky she handed them to me and said "these are for you.." I slowly grabbed for them and said. "what are they?" She crossed her arms but not in a mean why in a censured way and said "paper work for the house" I read

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