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Not many can see past the exquisite, exotic beauty of Ravani DiVion. Is it his silky curly inky obsidian black hair, that tumbles down to the middle of his muscled back? Or is it his navy blue eyes adorned by golden flecks that leaves you breathless, but gives it back once they have enchanted your soul? Maybe, it's his body, a body previously thought to belong to the God of Sexual Healing, Eros. Eros has blessed him with a soaking-wet-panty-dropping-body.

His body can only be called sexy. His developed upper body is only just the start. Muscular pectorals, connected to strong arms to carry his beloved. His abs, oh those sexy, rugged defined abdominal muscles. Hard muscles covered by soft dark bronze skin. And don’t forget about his sinfully perfect 'V' line; lightly dusted by black hair unlike the rest of his body.

His 'V' line generally disappears into his tight white Calvins, but let me tell you a secret. His darkened flesh is much darker than the rest of his godly sculpted body. His thick, impressive length is nestled below dark neatly trimmed pubic curls. His uncut glory had yet to feel the pleasure of a woman's heat nor has he been touched by a hand other than his own calloused hands. He has never felt the illicit pleasure of having his thick, meaty shaft buried in a woman’s wet carven, and leave his balls hanging out.

His secret untouched treasure of pleasure is settled between thick muscular thighs, which support his 6ft. 3in. frame of solid muscles and tattoos. The tattoos, black ink over dark bronzed skin, depict ancient Celtic designs. Ferocious dragons are at war in a beautiful garden full of gardenias, white lotus flowers, pink roses and periwinkles settled in lush emerald green shrubs, surrounded by sparkling lights, are the depicted by ink on his back and along his forearms.

Why have such a lethally lovely work of at etched onto your skin? His answer; “Tattoos are the art of the soul.”

Originally Written: 01/06/17
Revised: 04/06/17

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