New change

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Lala was practicing non stop in her room. "Lala, stop practicing and go to sleep please" Her mom said. "Yes mom" Lala obeyed. Lala looked at her phone. "6 hours of practice..." Lala said as she fell on her bed. "This is more difficult then ever..." Lala sighed. "I better write in my diary before I sleep, I want to remember this" Lala said as she got up and wrote in her diary.

The next day her so called manager was waiting outside for her. "Ah! You must be Lala, I'm your producer" The man said as he shook her hand "Nice to meet you" Lala said. "Why don't I show you around" The producer said as she nodded.

After what felt like hours. He finished showing Lala around. "Got it, good! Now lets meet your members" The producer said as he dragged her to a room. He opened it and inside were 2 girls. "Lala, this is Mirei and the one beside her is Sophie, I've got to run, you guys have fun" The producer said as the door clicked behind him.

Lala smiled at the two. "Hello, I'm Lala" Lala introduced "I'm Sophie" "And I'm Mirei" The all smiled at each other. "Let's get started shall we" Mirei said as Lala nodded in agreement. "First, Lala, we need to get you looking like an idol" Mirei said. "Huh?" Lala said as she began to sweat. The 2 started to smirked.

Lala's usual tied up buns were let down and tied into long pig tales. "There! Now your idol clothes...We'll let you decide that on your own" Mirei said. "Let get practicing now, we need to work on the choreography" Sophie said "We also need to work on lyrics to" Mirei pointed out. "This song is called Pretty prism paradise" Sophie said as Lala listened to what it sounded like.

Lala worked in the studio for about 9 hours. Recommending and pointing out some ideas. "Maybe we could change the beat here..." Lala suggested. "Arg, I'm beat, let's head home for the day" Mirei complained. "I agree, we have been working non stop. Nice meeting you Lala" Sophie said. "Ah, you guys to" Lala said as they both left.

While cleaning up she noticed there were a few rips and tears in Mirei and Sophie's idol costume. "I should probably sew these back up" Lala said and sat down again. Another hour has past as it was already 10 pm "I better get home"

As Lala was walking past some other dance rooms she noticed someone was still practicing. She peered in and saw Shougo sweating. Lala walked over to a near by vending machine and bought him a soda. "Here" Lala said as she handed it to him. "Huh? oh" Shougo took it looked at her. A small blushed formed his face as he saw how cute she was now. "Lala? is that you?" Shougo asked. She nodded. "Yep, my members helped me change into something more idolish" Lala said "It really suits you" Shougo complimented. "T-thanks" Lala said as she put a strand of hair behind her ear. "Well, I'm pretty much done here so I'm going to head home first" Shougo said as she nodded and watched him walk off.

She took a quick glance at the clock. "Its almost 12 am, I better hurry home to" Lala said. She closed the light to the dance room and called a taxi to drive her home.

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