Chapter 2

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Jordan's POV

I'm not sure how I feel about myself. I don't know what I am. I feel like I need to test the waters and find how truthful my hypothesis is. It seems like the only logical option at this point. I've toyed with the idea for so long that I'm getting bored of not making any strides in finding my answer.

I'm a very introverted person so it would come as a surprise to my friends and family if I were what I think I am.

I don't even know if my family would be accepting of it. They'd mask how they really felt and act like it's all fine when they're battling how they really see me.

Pulled from thought by the car stopping I look to my right at my Dad.

"Text me when you need picked up," He smiles and I nod finding the door handle. He's tall, broad, smiley and scares the shit out of me. He may seem like the nicest person ever when you meet him but you do not want to see him angry.

Getting out of the car I stand in the street looking at Orlaith's house filled with bodies, music and most definitely alcohol. Alcohol that we, a bunch of fifth years shouldn't have, age you're allowed alcohol at in Northern Ireland is eighteen and we're all around sixteen.

I myself am sixteen and a tall one at that. I stand proudly at 5'8" with no need to bring a fake ID with me to Belfast if my friends and I are going out at night.

My parents don't know that I go out into Belfast and I don't plan on changing that. I don't drink though which makes me less guilty but I still harness a few lies when I lie to my parents, they believe I'm at a friends house or studying till the early hours of the morning.

The lies I tell my parents are pretty standard ones. No big ones, I wouldn't be able to commit to them, I'd probably mess up my story somehow or someone would do it for me.

Stepping onto the footpath I walk up to the walk way that leads to Orlaith's house. Her house is a small terraced house that she never fails to fill to the brim with people when her parents are away on holiday.

Looking down as I'm walking through the gate someone bumps into my shoulder as they try and get past me.

My gaze tears away from the ground and I look at who bumped into me.

She's incredible looking that's one way of putting it. I'm never good with words so I'm going to do my best at describing her so bare with me.

Her hair is brown and very short with an interesting style to it. Her eyes are a light green shade and her lips curl upwards with a smile that is surprisingly directed at me. She stands at the same height as myself but with a much stronger build, she must be athletic. She looks older than me probably about eighteen or nineteen. Her jawline is prominent and her cheekbones have the same quality, her skin is of tan shading and clear as day.

"Sorry about that," Her hands ghost over my waist lightly causing me a mild wave of excitement.

"It's fine, have we met before?" I ask wanting to keep looking at her. I know we haven't met but anything to keep her in my presence.

"No I don't think so," She keeps the same smile on her lips.

"I'm Marley," She holds her hand towards me and I chuckle softly.

"Like the dog?" I query and realise I sound slightly rude.

"That's a little discouraging," She smirks.

"Sorry," I fight back the giggle but it unfortunately breaks through.

"So why Marley?" I question her.

"My parents like Bob Marley," She answers and I can see a glint in her eye.

"Really?" I test her answer.

"No. That's a lie," She counters sliding her hands into her jean pockets. I giggle at her again and grow annoyed at myself for seeming so childlike.

"What's the truth then?"

"I don't know it either and believe me I'd tell you if I did ," She emphasises the word you. Making the statement much more interesting to me.

"We've spent all this time talking about the origin of my name that I haven't heard yours," She points out to me.

"Oh sorry, I'm Jordan,"

Her grin grows and her glint expands giving me even more excitement.

"Nice to meet you Jordan,"

"You too Golden Retriever," I smirk at her and she laughs.

"You're funny," She tells me genuinely.

"And you're cute," I admit to her and I can see her throat move with the motion of swallowing forcefully.

"Thanks," Her smile gains a crooked quality.

I don't know what more to say so I take a few seconds to myself to look through the different parts of her face again, they're all very unique.

"Jordan! Get in here!" Orlaith's slurred drunken words interrupt us.

"I'll let you go," Marley nods to me and my face washes over with worry as to what to say to make her stay.

She turns to leave and stops to open the driver side door to a blue Volkswagen with brushed aluminium wing mirrors.

"Where are you going?" I manage to muster words.

She looks over to me and answers as her eyes examine mine in a deep and interested manner. It's an intense gaze to feel but I return it in the strongest way I can.

"Into Belfast," She tells me and I just nod. I don't know what more I can say.

"I'll see you around then," I answer her.

She breathes out with a soft smile before coming back up to me and taking her phone out of her pocket.

"You will see me," She smirks and hands me a piece of paper from the back of her phone cover.

"Okay," I answer timidly, feeling the strength of her words.

My hand brushes over hers as I take it and she nods leaving me to ponder what just happened. Getting into her car she soon disappears down the road leaving me behind with a mixed set of feelings and a strong urge of wanting to test my theory on her.

I think I've found my safety net.

A/N: How was it guys???

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