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It's been only one week since I been to that Gars store. I spent my time training with my brother while our parents were out fighting enemies. We would switch roles sometimes but they want me to become stronger since I'm the youngest in the household. I would expect me to become stronger as well but I have friends who don't train as much as me. I'm the only one who trains a lot within my friend group. At times they would ask for lesson but whatever that is taught to me should be only used in my household.

That's what my parents and brother always taught me. Even when I would go to sleep when I was a small girl, they would tell me the same thing before I go to bed. "Whatever you learn at home..stays in the household." Is what they would always tell me when I was younger. Now as a teenager, I understood what they meant.

Today was another day learning more basics from what my parents taught my brother. I'm almost close to learning some intermediate things from him well that's what he says. If he says it then it must be true! I can't wait to get on a more advanced level like my parents. I really look up to them as a daughter should do. Never once in my lifetime have they given up on me or told me to give up on my dreams.

My only dream is to pass on what I learned to my future child and my husband. What? I'm just a girl who just loves those cute endings. Don't get me wrong but I haven't had a significant other before. Minki says that they could get in my way while I'm in my training days but pretty sure that's not true. It's not like they could actually jump in my ways of training. Sounds silly to me.

Anyways, I watched my brother demonstrate some of the moves that he wanted me to learn today. I started to follow him with everything he did and kept fixing up my postures every time I stood a bit off.

"Okay, now you need to stand on your hand for as long as possible. Don't put too much pressure on your wrist or hand because it'll hurt and you'll fall. Let me demonstrate." He said standing on his hand giving me a demonstration.

"Seems easy enough." I said following his demonstration and stood on my hand. "Why don't I do this more often?"

"Cause you don't think of training moves on your own. You know the punches and kicks but not stuff like this." He responded to me.

"I guess you're right."

"So I saw you grabbing a soda can with that guy's hand on it also..what's that about?"

"A misunderstanding, dear big brother. Shouldn't we worry about my training more than what you saw the other day?"

"But I just want to know if he tried to take it from you because if he did then I'll give him my signature move! No one takes things from my baby sister and gets away from it!" He yelled.

"You're overexerting over that. Nothing bad happened, okay? Mind my training here and let's stay with that. How do expect me to become stronger if you're dropping your guard?" I asked.

"You made a point. Let's do something much more difficult and see if this exercise is helping you." He said letting out a sigh. "We are going to do a spin kick! Think your up for it?"

"Obviously! Show me, big brother!"

"Okay! So follow behind me with this one." He said showing me what this spin kick was. "You go."

"Mhm." I said doing spin kick on my hand. "That was tiring but fun." I said standing up on my feet.

"That's it for training for today but remember to practice on your punches and kicks. I'll reward your hard work soon." He said standing up and ruffling my hair.

"Don't do that!" I said fixing my hair.

The both of us went back inside but right after we got in our parents came back from another day of fighting enemies and what not. As usual, they weren't tired or anything but inside went to attend their usual parent needs. Cooking and reading a newspaper just like every single day. It's the same thing everyday so we shouldn't expect anything to change from the both of them.

I went to my room and watched the sun go down. It sat on the horizon with its pretty, orange, color and made the scenery that sat in front of me pretty as well. The wind blew threw my hair a bit as I continued to looked through my window. Maybe I could go and train out there by that nice sunset? Could that possibly happen?

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