Chapter 25 Greens

Start from the beginning

Butch and Buttercup were head over heels in love with each other. They took each others' breathe away daily. So much that needed time apart just to learn how to breathe again before they suffocated each other to death. Butch always got this warm fuzzy feeling and Butch Jojo doesn't get any of that mushy gushy stuff. Especially not for girls. But of course Buttercup wasn't just any girl. Those chills they both got, and occasionally still do was the proof.

Now you're getting fucking sick of looking at them. You swore you'd never hit them. Never do nothing to hurt them. Now in each others' face, spewing venom in your words when you spit them. You push, pull each others hair, scratch, claw, bite them. Throw them down, pin them, so lost in the moments when you're in them. It's the race that took over. It controls you both. So they say you'd best to go your separate ways. Guess that they don't know ya. Cause today, that was yesterday, yesterday is over. It's a different day. Sounds like broken records playing over but you promised her. Next time you show restraint. You don't get another chance. Life is no Nintendo game. But you lied again, now you get to watch her leave out the window. Guess that's why they call it window pane.

Each time they'd break up and fight, it would just get worse. More and more physical damage done here and to everything around them. People learned to get far away from the quarreling couple as fast as possible. Both Butch and Buttercup would get sucked into the moment where the only thing that mattered was winning. The fight consumed them both. Everyone thought they should just break up for good. Stop going back to each other and causing problems. But those people didn't really know them. What happened yesterday was well yesterday and yesterday was history. Every new day was a different day. Almost like a broken record that kept playing over and over but Butch knew he promised to love and protect Buttercup forever. A promise he made to himself and her when they were doing good. Next time he just have to have restraint. Life wasn't some video game but Butch had already lied again. So there was Buttercup leaving out the window. How ironic for a window to have a window pane when all Butch felt was pain.

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn. But that's alright because I like the way it hurts. Just gonna stand there and hear me cry. But that's alright because I love the way you lie. I love the way you lie. I love the way you lie. Now I know we said things. Did things that we didn't mean. And we fall back into the same patterns, same routine but your temper is just as bad as mine. You the same as me. When it comes to love, you're just as blinded.

All the insult, things thrown, things broken… none of that was meant to happen. Butch didn't mean for it to happen. And Buttercup for sure didn't mean for it to happen. They just always fell back into the same damn routine. Argue and fight, over and over again. Buttercup blamed it on Butch's short temper. But Butch knew her fuse was just as short as his if not shorter. They were the same. They were counterparts after all. That had to count for something. Neither of them knew how to love in a relationship. Both of them were equally blinded and unwilling to help the other.

Baby please come back. It wasn't you. Baby it was me. Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems. Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano. All I know is I love you too much to walk away. Come inside. Pick up your bags off the sidewalk. Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk? Told ya this was my fault. Look me in the eyeball.

Butch broke down. He was on his knees begging for Buttercup to forgive him. He admitted to all his lies and he knew he probably lie again. Butch always said their relationship was crazy but now he saw it really wasn't. They were just two hot heads who needed to cool down and relax a little. Butch loved her to much just for them to walk away from the relationship.

"damn it, Buttercup, can't you hear the sincerity in my voice as I'm talking to you," Butch growled, trying to keep his anger in check. Buttercup just looked at the ground, uninterested. Butch was growing restless. She was torturing him. She had to be. "Come on, look me in the eyes and say you don't," Butch said, standing up and forcing her to look him in the eyes. She just blinked, but he could see all the emotions swirling in her eyes. "I told you this is my own fucking fault now go get those damn bags off the sidewalk," Butch says, helping her bring her bags back inside.

Next time I'm pissed, I'll aim my fist at the drywall. Next time there won't be no next time. I apologize even though I know its lies. I'm tired of the game. I just want her back. I know I'm a liar. If she ever tries to fucking leave again, I'ma tie her to the bed and set this house on fire. Just gonna stand there and watch me burn. But that's alright because I like the way it hurts. Just gonna stand there and hear me cry. But that's alright because I love the way you lie. I love the way you lie. I love the way you lie.

Butch knew that everyone worried they would start fighting again. They had gone the last couple months without a fight. Buttercup was laughing and smiling again which was always a good sign. But Butch knew he was bound to get angry again. He had decided if he did get angry at her, he would just punch the drywall. There was no way in hell that he was ever going to hit her again. That awful bruise was permanently in his memory, haunting him.

Butch was tired of this I love you I hate you game. He just wanted Buttercup all to himself with nothing else. So his plan was he was never going to let her leave him. If she tried, he'd tie her ass to their bed and set the house on fire. Was it crazy? Yes. Did Butch care? No. Not as long as he had Buttercup. So he ran to her, pulling her into his arms and as close to him as possible. Before she could even manage to choke a word out, he crashed his lips to hers. Did she love the pain he caused? Yes. This kiss proved it. Did she love his lies? Yes. Their love proved it. She loved the way he lied.

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