Healthcare Meeting the New Age

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The fact the I feel I must explain myself to my medical peers speaks volumes. However, it would be naive to assume otherwise that medical professionals such as yourself look down on me.

I want to say, 

"Hey Mr. PhD tell me which pigment in my hair controls my ability to think critically." I'd address all who want to stereotype my abnormal hair color--hopefully silencing them once and for all. 

Much like maternity leave was created with a purpose that is now viewed as inadequate, so is professionalism. I respect the personal hygiene aspect, appropriate clothing and business like manner in adequate. 

Unfortunately, tattoo's receive a bad reputations. By being labeled: dirty, unrefined, or gang loyalty. When in reality the real concern should be for new tattoos with infection control, tattoos with profanity, nudity, or is inappropriate. 

Times are changing as we approach the 21st century. I do not think it's right that a person should have to choose self expression over a career choice. Obviously, if the person values their job will live in the fear of reciprocation. 


Teenage Expression:  A Recounting of WordsWhere stories live. Discover now