Imagine 2

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It was the beginning of a new school year and my parents recently moved us down to London, which meant I was going to be starting a new school. I find it really awkward starting somewhere new because I get the feeling I won't make any friends or that people might not like me.

"You'll be fine if there are any problems just talk to a teacher." My mum said while she pulls up outside the school gate. I just gave a weak smile while grabbing my bag and getting out of the car.

"I'll see you later mum."

"Bye sweetheart."

And with that, my mum drove off. This school looks huge compared to my last school but I'm praying I'll actually like it here. I swung my bag over my shoulder and made my way to the main entrance to go to the reception to collect my school schedule and locker key. 

"Hi.. excuse me?." I said to get the receptionist attention.

"Morning miss how can I help you?." She responded.

"I'm new here and I was told to come to reception to collect a schedule and locker key."

"What's your name?."


I told her my full name while she was looking through the filing cabinets. My eyes started to go into wonder, looking from wall to wall and admiring the artwork on the walls.  "Ah here you are,  here's your school schedule, books and locker key, your locker number is 12 which is just around the corner." The receptionist handed me information with a smile.

"Thank you." I thanked her and placed my schedule into my bag.

"Also enjoy your first day."

"I'll try, thank you." I thanked her once again and started to walk around the corner to where my locker was.  It was a nice white locker with 12 written in black in the corner. I typed in the pin the receptionist gave me... it was stuck, great. I had the urge to keep on trying until I heard a bang and it opened.

"I had that problem with my locker last year." A voice said. I looked to my left and saw a boy about my age leaning against the locker next to mine.

"Oh right, I'll remember next time to bang it thanks," I replied and placed the books I didn't need inside.

"I'm Fionn by the way." The boy spoke. I've always liked that name, especially when a cute boy has it.

"I'm Y/N."

"Don't worry you'll feel welcome here, what lesson do you have first?." Fionn asked me. But I just handed him my school timetable so he can look to see if we might have any classes together. My head is hoping we do, damn it why am I thinking these things I've only just met him. "You have English first and so do I, I can walk there with you if you want me too?." Fionn offered.

"Sure, that will be nice," I responded to him with a small smile which he gave back. 

---- English Class ----

I walked into the classroom with Fionn and he wandered off to where his seat was. I told the teacher I was the new student and he gave me the direction onto where I'll be sitting. The desk was a row in front of someone I assume is Fionn's friend.

I sat down and got my book out with my pencil case. I could pretty much see Fionn from the corner of my eye looking at me but I decided to not look back so I just started to smile to myself

Fionns POV

"So who's the new girl?."  My friend Tom asked me while he was finishing writing up our assignment.

"Her name is Y/N," I responded.

Tom just nodded his head and got back to work. I couldn't concentrate, there was something about Y/N that made me drawn to her. I decided to write her a note.

'Guess what? - F'   I gently threw the note on her desk so it will be in view for her. I watched her unfold the scrunched up piece of paper.

She threw the note back onto my desk.   'what? :) '

'I think you're really pretty'

'Thank you, you're not too bad yourself ;)'

The past 30 mins of the lesson me and Y/N were exchanging notes and I was starting to find out more about her. I can feel myself smiling every time I receive a note from her and  I don't know why... can you have feelings for someone you just met?.  Maybe I should ask if she wants to meet up after school or would that be too far? I'm not good at this kind of stuff.

"Tom, if you like someone you just met would you wait to ask them out or do it before someone else does ?." I whispered to tom.

"You already like the new girl damn Fionn, If I was you I'd do it before someone else does and I've seen you exchanging notes all lesson so just go for it, bro."

I thanked tom and started to write a new note :

'If you're free after school, would you like to meet up? You don't have to say yes and I'm sorry If I'm rushing you.'

I gave Y/N the note and starting to feel a bit worried she might say no. But as I looked at her she gave me a nod. The bell rang for next lesson and honestly, I can't wait for the day to be over so I spend time with Y/N

A/ N: Sorry if this is kinda boring, but I think you can guess what happens. I should've written this tomorrow but in a way, I wanted to write it today even my eyes hurt because of lack of sleep. Enjoy it anyway x

Fionn Whitehead ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ