My Hoodie -» Bucky Barnes

Start from the beginning

''I don't know, Buck.'' Steve sighed, wanting to return his attention back on the movie and not have to think. ''I guess it's just like the way you hug your pillow in your sleep,'' Steve continued, resulting in a snort from Sam who was enjoying this new found information. '' -or that glove you sometimes wear on your hand when you feel insecure. Wearing my clothes brings her some kind of comfort, I think she mentioned something about it making her feel like she wasn't alone because she could feel a different smell and because of the size and weight it sometimes felt like someone was holding her.'' Steve watched as Bucky took in the information, waiting to see if there was any reply.

Bucky simply nodded and  Steve returned his attention back on the screen, glancing at his friend every now and then out of curiosity of his sudden interest.

Bucky paid attention to you for a few days after that, noting when you would be wearing what he believed were Steve's sweaters. He had noticed that when you did, it would usually also mean that you were more quiet or he could see that you hadn't been  getting enough sleep from the circles under your eyes or the worst of all, when your usual smile wouldn't quite reach to your eyes. It was as if you were clinging to the material, in hopes of it bringing you some comfort and he was quite fascinated by that quirk of yours.

Today was a tough one, having been sleep deprived two nights in a row after returning from a very challenging mission. Your shoulders slumped as you made your way to the kitchen, an involuntary shiver trailing down your spine at the change of room temperature and you wondered why you never dressed properly. As you walked into the dining ares, you spotted a red hoodie hung over one of the chairs and you smiled contently before throwing it over your shoulders.

You subconsciously hugged the material against your chest and let the smell bring you comfort. However, it wasn't the usual Steve smell but a smell you had found the other day - and missed. ''Oh, Y/N, that's not mine.'' Steve interrupted your thoughts, causing your cheeks to flare as you looked up to see all eyes on you.

''It's fine,'' Bucky emerged from the pantry with a bright smile that made your heart flutter. ''It's mine, don't worry about it.'' You locked eyes with him, mirroring his smile before mouthing a 'thank you', your cheeks lightly flushed. The others shared a few confused looks, both regarding Bucky sharing his things and you always stealing sweaters.

You didn't speak much during that breakfast, feeling too drained to utter any words but you could feel a pair of greyish eyes dart over at you ever so often and you wondered the reason behind it, -and the reason behind his sharing.

From then on you started noticing his hoodies and sweaters lying around more often. When you had the chance, you'd prefer his over Steve's, finding them warmer and somehow more comforting. You could tell them apart by the smell, your smile always tugging a bit harder when you realised it was his. This of course did not go unnoticed by Steve, his mind trying to work around the fact that Bucky was so eager to let you borrow his sweaters and he couldn't help but like the idea.

Steve would catch Bucky smile to himself more often, wondering what was lifting his spirits all of a sudden and he wondered if it had something to do with you. As Steve paid more attention to Bucky's change of demeanour, he would notice the small glance he threw your way or the twitch of his lips when you smiled or spoke to him. This had Steve's mind on overdrive, finding it difficult to contain his joy of what he could only think was his best friend harbouring a crush on his little sister. Not to mention, his suspicion was running high since you kept choosing Bucky's sweaters over his.

You grudgingly awoke from your nightmare, your chest heaving as you adjusted to your surroundings. You rubbed your eyes, trying to rid yourself of the hunting images that flashed before them before sighing and stepping out of your bed.

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