Leveling the Field

Depuis le début

"I'm afraid I had things to attend to, Alex," he began just as softly. Only to see Alex's eyes widen.

"Things that couldn't wait until I had you again this morning, my Mordecai?" Her question was almost plaintive, Alex's stunning body sheathed in the functional turtleneck and overalls that was the standard uniform of the Avalon nation at war. Her long hair tumbling down her back in sensuous, fragrant waves only reawakened memories of her hair brushing his face as they entwined in his bed only hours before.

"I'm afraid not," he answered simply, brutally crushing the memories with the hammer of his will. For a brief instant an egg of lightning blue hovered before his eyes, psyken lightning lashing down to kill, maim and destroy.

"We really need to get these countermeasures up and running before the Brotherhood recovers from the pounding I gave them at the Sheraton."

The two of them were quite alone in the workshop that was affectionately known as Hobbit's Hole. Behind Alex, Mordecai could look through crystal armor windows out at the test range, a broad rectangular area about the size of a small auditorium with large racks of equipment and protective gear lining two of the four walls.

The other two walls were covered with absorptive material, against which various devices were tested without risk to the rest of the chamber. Currently the material showed signs of a recent test of the shockwave gun, a countermeasure developed to give those Avalon psionics that lacked the ability to defend themselves a weapon to protect against sudden ESET incursions.

"To the Devil with the Brotherhood," Alex husked, "if it will interrupt my time with you." She stepped swiftly the rest of the way around the table and into his arms.

There, holding his face in both her hands even as her body pressed snugly against his, she kissed him deeply and passionately. Speaking softly as her sweet perfume filled Mordecai's nostrils, Alex reveled in the sensation of her warmth combining with that of her lover's, letting it charge her blood with renewed passion as his strong arms, hesitant at first, curled around her body to pull her close.

"How dare they stand in the way of our passion!" she husked as she smiled. Then the smile was fading as her passion swelled to flood through her in a warm wave. Unlike Mordecai, she was making no effort to forget the incredible few hours she had in this big man's arms, filled with deep and intense pleasure, of the like she had never felt before.

But before she could lean into the big man to kiss the lips that had given her so much pleasure the night before, the double doors to the test area swung open to admit Bea. She was Avalon's tall, athletic, red-haired security chief and primary weapons tester. She wore the same coveralls that Alex was wearing.

Catching sight of her redheaded comrade out of the corner of her eye, Alex hesitated and turned to see who it was. She fully intended to have the big man out of his clothes within the next few moments and didn't want any interruptions. Seeing who it was, however, sent a grimace of frustration flickering across her beautiful face.

"Merde!" Alex swore softly, slightly drawing away from Mordecai as she forced her heart to slow its excited pounding. "A bad time to be interrupted!"

The man in black, for his part, grimaced tightly as he forced his body to yield to his will and come back under his control, taking a deep breath as his own desires for the Spanish psionic began to fade.

"It's no matter, Alex. We really don't have the time now, ..." he began.

"But I want you now, my Mordecai!" Alex quickly interjected, returning her sultry gaze to the dark knight.

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