The First Snow

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My name is Cupid, but I'm not some angel that goes around shooting people with arrows. That's a stupid Cupid impostor. I am The Cupid, and I'm a dog. I don't live in North America, or Europe, or any other continent for that matter. I don't come from some made up place like the North Pole or wherever the Easter Bunny is from. I live in the clouds, watching the Earth, waiting for snow. I always thought the Earth looked prettier in white; it looked cleaner, more innocent somehow. It was also the perfect time of the year for matchmaking. 

A chill ran through my body, and sitting up, I peered over the cloud I was laying on to watch as the first flakes of snow hit the Earth. Wanting to get a closer look at the small white flakes falling from beneath me, I leaned farther over the edge. I was so caught up in my world, in wondering what made the snow fall, that I didn't hear Zeus approaching. He's only a year older than me, but acts like he knows everything just because his father is the Big Guy and he's been helping humans a year longer.

"Is the little baby still fantasizing about Earth?" my tail dropped, and turning slowly to face him.

"Look Zeus, I was just watching the snow, and I'm not a baby!"

I raised my head and tail to show that I was serious. There was a growl, low and threatening, warning me that I was pushing his buttons by talking back, but I only held myself taller. No way was I going to let him push me around! Next thing I knew, Zeus was right in front of me, rage burning in his eyes. I reared back in surprise and fear, only to lose my footing. I let out a gasp of shock as I felt myself start to fall.

As I fell, I tried to get a good look at the snow in the sky. I flipped onto my stomach partially to watch the Earth as it got closer, but also to brace for the impact I knew was coming. I decided to look around me as I fell, briefly admiring all the flecks of white surrounding me. I was so entranced by the snow that I didn't notice how close Earth had truly gotten until I felt branches scratching at my fur. I looked down to see the hard packed dirt rocketing toward me. Tucking my head and tail, I attempted to brace for impact.


1) im typing this at 1 in the morning

2) this is something i wrote like 4 years ago and im just getting it onto wattpad before i do anything with it.. ill probably fix it later

3) if u have suggestions, feel free to lemme know

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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