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The morning sun peaked out over the horizon, casting its elegant glow over the land. Its warm rays did very little to heat up the cold morning air that whipped around the village and surrounding forest. 

Jack stood against the cold stone wall, his foot with a tanned leather boot leaning against it as he waited. Last night was very fortunate, as no wolves or other scavengers had attacked him last night, in the attempt to nab his elk. He had slept with his pocket knife in hand just in case, often waking up after hearing a rustling in the undergrowth. He wrapped his arms around his upper body, shaking slightly from the numb morning cold.

Soon, his prayers were answered as the morning bell rung out, and the guards pushed open the gates. A few horse and carriages rode out, carrying this months harvest. They were heading up North towards the Royals and other Nobels. Jack had only seen a few other Nobels that came into the village looking for goods, but he'd never seen a Royal. He knew that the Royals were being heavily guarded ever since the war started between Humans and the Orcs.

Jack's knowledge on the war was basic, since commoners we're not really educated on this matter. He knew that the war broke out over three years ago, but there was always tension between the Orcs and Humans. The Orcs wanted to take over the Kingdom and kill the Royal Family to claim the land for themselves. They've killed countless numbers of soldiers and even a few Nobels after raiding a few villages, all lead by the infamous Albino Orc, their King.

The humans had recently received help from the Dwarfs, allowing them to join the army. However, many people went against this idea, mocking the Dwarfs. Jack had never met a Dwarf, since they were not as common as Humans, though he was curious about them.

The carriages made their way past him, and Jack slipped through past the gates, back into the village with the elk on his shoulders. Local trade businesses were getting set up for the day, though they seemed more anxious and busy than usual. He brushed it off and continued making his way through the bustling streets till he saw the Blacksmith in his sight. It was an average sized building, with a large section of the wall cut out on the bottom floor, serving as a window which displayed the newly made weapons on sale. 

Jack looked through and saw Troy setting up a few more weapons on display around the shop, from polished Axe heads to glimmering swords and arrow heads. These weapons had been in huge demand since the war started, and despite this, business was still slow since most weapons were purchased from larger villages and cities closer to the capital. Jack furrowed his brows at the sight and walked inside.

"What's the occasion?" He asked, striding in carefully so the Elk would easily fit through the doorway.

Troy turned to Jack and smirked. He was a large man with dark ginger hair and a large beard to match. His eyes were a dark hazel colour that fluctuated between calm and cold looking, depending on his emotions. His stomach was large rounded, and his arms were built well and covered in hair. "And good morning to you too, Jack!"

Jack rolled his eyes and side smiled. "Mornin'. So, what's going on?"

"Soldiers are riding through the village to collect goods for the war. They're also going to be selling some of their old materials, so this is a good chance for us to earn some money." Troy eyes up the headless elk and frowns. "Is that were you were last night?"

Jack looks at the elk on his shoulders and sighs. "Jacob locked me out and tricked me into giving him the antlers."

Troy sighed with a growl, clenching his large fists. "That boy needs to be put in his place. But sadly, I cant be the one to do it. Not if I want to keep my head."

Jack side smiles and pats Troy on the shoulder. "It's okay. No scavengers came, so we can still sell the fur, and we have plenty of meat left!"

Troy smiles and ruffles Jack's soft brown hair. "What would I do without ya, Jack?"

Jack laughs and walks out, heading upstairs. He heaved, carrying the heavy elk up the steps till he reached the kitchen area, placing it beside the fire-pit. He drew out his pocket knife and began to skin the creature, revealing its soft, tender muscle and flesh. It was a good kill, if only he had the antlers with it. He finishes and folds up the fur, carrying it back downstairs as noise began to ring from outside.

"What's going on?" Jack asked.

Troy poked his head out the window and looked off to the side towards the entrance. "They're here."

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